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Project R0.1 20131- OOP344

2,585 bytes added, 15:12, 6 February 2013
! Question!! Comments
|I can't compile the cio_test.o with the console and bconsole file. It keeps telling me undefined reference to CIO_TABSIZE but I've ran and the cio_test.cpp and passed all the tests already. I've already declared the tabsize in console header and set it in console. My files on matrix are up to date so I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong.||<s>Make sure you have pulled the newest versions of bconsole.h, and bconsole.cpp, declare extern unsigned int CIO_TABSIZE in the console.h file, then almost re-declare it in console.cpp (by initializing it as 'unsigned in CIO_TABSZIE=4'). That's the only thing I can think of (I know it happened to me) Another thing I did was for testing purposes I initialized cio_tabsize in cio_test.cpp which also had me baffled for a few minutes (make sure to change it back to console.cpp if that's the case):p ALSO make sure your bconsole.h, and console.h are also in the directory you are compiling cio_test.o inside of (i know the submission doesn't include those two files in the g++ compile command but they still have to be there)</s> The '''CIO_TABSIZE''' was declared outside the cio namespace, now it is fixed!|-|I'm stuck on test 4.4 where toggling insert mode changes the *insertMode between 1 and 0. I tried assigning *insertMode to 0 in the else statement in the if(*insertMode){} clause. I'm not sure if I'm making some kind of rookie mistake please HELP!!!!|| How I did it was if (*insertMode) != true make it true else make it false. -kpersaud <hr/> this was actually very simple: <hr/> Spike, left a better method in the comments<hr/> Haha Thanks I managed to figured it out already but all your solutions are much better than mine :)<hr/>
|Hi, the cio_test.cpp is V '''0.94.1''' but the cio_test.o on matrix is just V '''0.94'''. Is this normal or did I copied the wrong test file on matrix?|| The correct 0.94.1 cio_test.o should be up on matrix. Try $cp ~fardad.soleimanloo/cio_test.o - phuang19
Thank you, fjzhou. I wonder why I didn't use any code from XMOVER. If you are right, then we have to keep tracking the cursor position on the screen by using getPos() function and comparing with the getCols()? However, I don't think that would be a problem since we keep adjusting the strOffset if the curPosition is at the end of the field. Then the last character of the string will not be at the edge of the screen and the cursor will be. So why would we put the cursor on the last character of the string? -Chun
|Can someone tell why "TAB" key does't work on the matrix using PUTTY. I have set the keybord already........hqiao3||Make sure you follow these settings to setup your putty terminal client: [ Putty settings]
| Im having problems with the initial corrections with the offset and curpos. test 4.1 - when i have to correct curpos 40 to 19, program crashes. I know it has to do with the creating a local variable instead of pointing to external. <br/> here is my code that crashes the program: <br/> || Create two local variables to store *strOffset & *curPosition,the purpose of doing this is:<br/>
How much *strOffset to adjust?, I'll let you think about that. (if stroffset > field length?, stroffset < fieldlength?) - fjzhou
|Friends; on 4.28 in cio_test.cpp if i was pressing escape without following the instructions then I passed it but doing instructions it fails anybody knows..(Pankaj Sama) ||Because escape is to put everything back to its original state, since you did nothing, every stayed the same and program thinks you did that in your escape logic.|-|I am compiling cio_test.cpp on my MVS, but there is no test. What am I doing wrong?<br> UPDATE: Yes, I have all 5 files. After compile I have error message "The system cannot find the file specified." and "Build failed" on the bottom of the MVS window. || if you have all five files(console.cpp,console.h,bconsole.h,bconsole.cpp, and cio_test.cpp) then create a new project with these files and press "Ctrl+F5". if you do not have any errors, you must see test in new prompt window...(Pankaj Sama)<hr> If you have all 4 files in a project, and then tried to compile cio_test.cpp by opening it in VS, and without including it in the project (by right clicking the sources folder and clicking add existing item-> the item being cio_test.cpp)Visual will just ignore it at compile time, or give it it's own project...which is useless without those other files. If you are running a test main, make sure to exclude that from project when you include cio_test, as they are both main()
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