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Club Moz:Meetings/January 9, 2006

1,298 bytes added, 23:02, 9 January 2007
Minutes: added more minutes
= Agenda =
* Hack Day
* Club Moz Promotion
:* How to get early semester students involved
* Club Moz Budget
* Promotions
= Minutes =
== Hack Day ==
* Running on Thursday at 3:20.
* We will be getting a lab for it -- it will not be run in the Linux club anymore.
== Planning Meetings ==
* Will take place Tuesdays at 1:30
== Frosh Week ==
* Find out when/where (Phil)
== Promotion ==
* Get us on TVs/my.seneca/ (Vanessa)
* Maybe an article in The Senecan in the future
== Budget ==
Items that require money:
* Semester-end party
* Hack Day
* Frosh Week
* Test Days
* Club Moz banner?
== Recruitment ==
* Is our #1 priority
* Getting technical and non-technical people involved
=== Benefits ===
* '''Experience'''
* '''Oppurtunity to meet people in the field and make contacts for jobs'''
:* Give different ideas for co-op/internship/systems
::* Systems is extra applicable to second years
::* Co-op is extra applicable to third years
* They can do what they want
:* Do things that are fun
:* Do things that interest them
:* Learn things not on the curriculum
* Do "real" work
:* Things that aren't just for educational purposes
* Can set you apart from others with degrees/diplomas
=== Talking to Classes ===
* Ben will do a lot of the talking and write up something to say based on the points above.
* Talk to classes from every semester