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BTP300B Team 2 Weekly Log

5,327 bytes added, 19:58, 5 December 2012
Week 14
==Week 5 ==
0810/10/2012 : Shajinth reviewed Designed and Developed the cfield class. Auquib created a driver program to test this class.
0910/10/2012 : Auquib wrote code for clabel reviewed the cfield class. Shajinth and created visual studio project and tested a driver program to test this code in windows environmentclass
10/10/2012 : assigned Shajinth reviewed clabel class Added delete [] (char*)pdata(); line in set function roles: Shajinth will be doing CField and CButton and Auquib will be doing CLabel and CLine. tested the code in linux environment by writing driver program for it
10/10/2012 : Auquib wrote code for cline clabel class. Shajinth reviewed the cbutton class. Auquib integrated the completed and created visual studio project and tested this code for release 0.2 in linux windows environment. Shajinth compiled and test the code in linux.
==Week 6 ==
10/14/2012 : Shajinth designed and Developed the cfield class, and Auquib wrote code for clabel class
10/15/2012 : Shajinth wrote code for cbutton class, reviewed the cline class,and integrated the completed code for release 0.2 in linux environment
then Shajinth compiled and test the code in linux
10/15/2012 : Auquib wrote code for cline class, reviewed the cbutton class, integrated the completed code for release 0.2 in linux environment
compiled and test the code in linux
10/16/2012 : Received instructions on installing Tortoise planned to be installed configured and worked on during study week.
10/16/2012 : Shajinth changed the main.cpp code so that line drawing feature is also tested, then Reviewed the completed code once again and took the screenshot in matrix environment
10/16/2012 : Auquib reviewed the complete code took the screenshot by running visual studio project
==Week 7 ==
10/23/2012 : Shajinth created wiki questions.
10/23/2012 : Auquib compiled the code with borland compiler and took the screenshot
10/23/2012 : Release 0.2 of Assignment 2 is completed.
==Week 8 ==
10/25/2012 : Shajinth and Auquib have started working on Release 0.3 of Assignment 2
10/30/2012 : Shajinth wrote .h file for cdialog class
10/30/2012 : Shajinth wrote constructor and destructor of class, reviewed the code and written driver function to test functionality added till now
10/30/2012 : Auquib wrote following functions for cdialog class :
bool editable()
int numFields()
int curIndex()
CField& operator[](unsigned)
int add(CField*, bool)
int add(CField&, bool)
CDialog& operator<<(CField*)
CDialog& operator<<(CField&)
==Week 9 ==
11/05/2012 : Shajinth wrote draw functionality for cdialog class, reviewed the complete code, and rectified the errors coming in compilation
11/05/2012 : Auquib wrote edit functionality for cdialog class and integrated complete code
11/08/2012 : Auquib created the visual studio project, added all .h and .cpp files in it and compiled the code and took screenshot in windows environment
==Week 10 ==
11/11/2012 : Shajinth compiled the code after error correction, and took the screenshot by compiling with g++ compiler in unix environment
11/1011/2012 : Shajinth reviewed Auquib compiled the complete code. Auquib with borland compiler, and took the screenshot by running visual studio projectin windows environment
11/11/2012 : Shajinth created wiki questions
11/11/2012 : Release 0.3 of Assignment 2 is completed.
==Week 11 ==
1211/1016/2012 : Shajinth and Auquib compiled the code with borland compiler. Shajinth took the screenshothas started researching for Assignment 3i 11/17/2012 : Imtaiz and Krish has joined Team 2 11/17/2012 : Assigned roles to each group members for Assignment 3
==Week 6 12 ==1011/1424/2012 : The group decided to call the application Patient Information System 11/25/2012 : Designed the second tier of application i.e. internal data structure of application and third tier of application i.e operations dealing with files 11/26/2012 : Assigned roles to each group members for Assignment 3 ==Week 13 ==  11/30/2012 :Shajinth wrote header files for second tier i.e CDataRecord.h and CDataList.h, and studied about Standard Template Library Vector class and how to add and retrieve elements from vector to implement retrieve node function 11/30/2012 : Auquib wrote following studied about function pointers to implement sorting of linked list function, and created new project in visual studio 11/30/2012 :Imtiaz implement cmenuitem class, and studied about how to find current time in c++ 11/30/2012 :Krush studied about the concept of function pointer in c++, and integrated all the previous assignment classes in this project 12/1/2012 :Auquib reviewed code for addition,deletion and modification of linked list and written driver functions for cdialog it to test it. Then reviewed copy constructor of CDataList class :and added a condition to check head node before copying CDataList
12/1/2012 :Shajinth implemented CDataRecord.cpp, and implemented following functions for CDataList
a) constructor,destructor
b) addNode,deleteNode,deleteAllNodes,modifyNode,findNode
12/1/2012 :Imtiaz studied about copy constructor and identified where all it is required to be used, and implemented copy constructor for CDataList
bool editable() 12/1/2012 :Krush reviewed CValidLine code of partner and wrote test code to test all the functionality of CValidLine, and created a CValidLine class which is derived from CLine so to include validations when user is entering some data.
const==Week 14 ==12/2/2012 :Auquib implemented all retrieve node function for CDataList class, and tested the cmenuitem class by writing the driver code for it
int numFields() 12/2/2012 :Krush Implemented this concept using function pointer, and wrote consoleoptions.cpp class by writing overloaded functions for edit and display
const12/2/2012 :Imtiaz tested the complete CDataList class by writing driver functions for remaining member function, and tested the sorting function of CDataList class
int curIndex() 12/3/2012 :Shajinth and Krush started writing the main.cpp with for project, implemented the linked list function for class and all the comparison functions required for it
const12/3/2012 :Imtiaz and Auquib studied about file handling in C, and tested the consoleoptions.cpp functions by writing driver code for it.
CField& 12/3/2012 :Shajinth and Imtiaz created showMenuItem function for class which displays the menubar, and created showDelete and showViewModify functions for main.cpp
curField() 12/3/2012 :Auquib and Krush wrote code for file handling by implementing CFileHandler class, and CFileHandler class has functions for generating unique patient id and storing and retrieving data objects.
CField& operator[](unsigned)
12/4/2012 :Shajinth created showAddDialog and ViewSortedDialog function for main.cpp, tested the CFileHandler class by writing driver functions for it.
int add(CField*, bool)
int add(CField&12/4/2012 :Auquib integrated the complete code in linux environment by including main.cpp of Shajinth, bool)and tested and reviewed the code and found that current date/time functionality needs to be added.
CDialog& operator<<(CField*)12/4/2012 :Imtiaz added current date/time functionality, ran the project and tested all the conditions
CDialog& operator<<(CField&)
Shajinth reviewed them all.
12/4/2012 :Krush during testing found that current date/time functionality needs to be added, and tested this functionality
1012/155/2012 : Auquib wrote edit functionality for cdialog class, Krush, and Imtiaz fixed the bugs and memory leak. Shajinth integrated complete code
1012/165/2012 : Received instructions on installing Tortoise planned to be installed configured and worked on during study week.Shajinth tested complete code, created wiki questions
10/16/2012 : Auquib created the visual studio project. Shajinth added all .h and .cpp files in it. Shajinth compiled the code and took screenshot in windows environment.
==Week 7 ==
10/23/2012 : During study week we have installed and setup SVN for each group members from there we will be planning to get something done by the end of study week.
==Week 8 ====Week 9 ====Week 10 ====Week 11 ====Week 12 ====Week 13 ====Week 14 ==/5/2012 : Submitted Assignment 3i.