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HOWTO: Setup GST-OpenMAX on Fedora 17

1,905 bytes added, 10:19, 4 December 2012
Created page with '=HOWTO: Setup GST-OpenMAX on Fedora 17= ==Introduction== This HOWTO will explain how to setup gst-openmax a GStreamer plugin that allows communication with OpenMAX IL components.…'
=HOWTO: Setup GST-OpenMAX on Fedora 17=
This HOWTO will explain how to setup gst-openmax a GStreamer plugin that allows communication with OpenMAX IL components. As well as OpenMAX IL known as libomxil-bellagio a dependency for gst-openmax.

===Tested Platforms===
* Fedora 17

===Supported Architectures===
* x86_64
* ARM devices with an OMAP processor

===Tested Codecs===
* omx_mp3dec

===Required Software===
* gstreamer-0.10
* libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3

* libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3 (RPM):
* libomxil-bellagio-devel-0.9.3 (RPM):
* gst-openmax-0.10.1 (RPM):

==Installing OpenMAX IL==
* Install the RPM with the command below
rpm -i libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3-4.fc17.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i libomxil-bellagio-devel-0.9.3-4.fc17.x86_64.rpm

==Installing GST-OpenMAX==
* Install the RPM with the command below
<pre> rpm -i gst-openmax-0.10.1-3.fc17.x86_64.rpm </pre>

==Using GST-OpenMAX==
===Loading the components====
* Register the omx libraries
<pre> omxregister-bellagio -v </pre>

* Verify the components have been successfully installed
<pre> gst-inspect | grep omx </pre>

===Playing a mp3 file===
* Playing a MP3 file named "test.mp3" in our current directory
<pre> gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location="test.mp3" ! omx_mp3dec use-timestamps=false ! alsasink </pre>

==Known Issues/Concerns==
* When using gst-launch and a gst-openmax codec you may receive the warning below. It is safe to ignore this message, the upstream developer has been notified of the issue. This does not effect the functional of gst-openmax.
<pre> OMX-library /usr/lib64/omxloaders/ dlopen error: /usr/lib64/omxloaders/ undefined symbol: RM_Deinit </pre>