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BTP300A Team 42 A2 Weekly Log

2,064 bytes added, 21:26, 19 November 2012
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==BTP300 Links ==* [[BTP300]]* [[BTP300 To-Do List Fall 2012 | Weekly To-Do List]]* [[BTP300Practical Tips 2012 | Practical Tips]]** [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.1): Q & A]]** [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.2): Q & A]]** [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.3): Q & A]]** [[C/C++ FAQ]]====Team 42!==*** [[BTP300 Teams Fall 2012 | Teams]]
==Week 4Contributions== * [[Team 42 Contributions | A2R01]]
==Week 5==
*10/04 (Thursday) Pair Programming over Skype
**Methods were evenly split
**Added cross-platform functionality: hide cursor during frame movement
*10/05 (Friday) Pair Programming in the Computer Lab
**Minimum requirements are met, all tests are completed; Assignment 2 Release 0.1 is ready for submission
**Started working on optimization (besides the cursor hiding)
*10/06 (Saturday) Assignment 2 Release 0.1 is submitted
** Classes for R02 were evenly split (Kirill - CLabel/CButton, Petr - CField/Cline)
*10/07 (Sunday) Assignment 2 Release 0.1 is Due
==Study Week==
* (Petr) Started coding CField
==Week 8==
*10/29 (Kirill) Started working on my classes
*10/30 Added Lu Liu in the team, gave him CButton class. CLabel and CField are done
** Petr working on cdialog
** Kirill will work on extra features
*10/30 (Lu) reviewed previous codes and started to work on CButton class
==Week 69==* 11/5 (Monday) Lu will work on CLine class also. ** Petr working on CDialog** Kirill working on porting extra features from a1 to a2 format and modifying / optimizing as required*11/6 CButton is done. CDialog is done*11/8 CLine is done*11/9 Started debugging a2r2 over vsa
==Week 710==*11/12 a2r3 passes the a2 tests provided on vs and matrix.** (Petr) worked on custom main application for a2r3** (Kirill) worked on / debugged extra features** (Lu) debugged CLine/CField/CButton classes further** applies to rest of week* 11/17 Encountered problem compiling with a2test on Borland platform (deprecated compiler).** Worked on debugging for Borland compilation
==Study Week11==* 11/18 Borland issue tracked down (issue converting from bool* to bool in a2test.cpp)* 11/19 A2 passes every test and custom main works successfully on every platform/** A2 submitted