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Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)

701 bytes added, 10:54, 14 November 2012
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… I will NOT be returning to panels… I like AWN that much!''
I find '''Awn''' to allows me to work very efficiently on my computer system, and provides a very clean interface.
I no longer require a separate panel to show applications that are currently running, the docking station places an arrow below the icon to indicate the number of instances of that application. If I require to go to that instance, I just click on the icon and select that instance from a menu...
 ==General Tasks==
3. Remove all panels, so you are just using AWN.
==Installing AWN==
Now, that we have installed AWN and it runs upon startup, '''we no longer require panels'''. If you have secondary panels, you can easy remove them by right-clicking on the panel, and select remove. But you cannot perform this operation with the main panel.
'''NOTE: The following procedure is obsolete!'''
===Replacing Gnome with AWN===
:*After installing Avant Window Manager, run the program (under '''Accessories''' section), '''right-click on the docking panel''' to '''edit preferences''', and select '''Start AWN Automatically'''.
:*Next, as super-user, edit the following file: '''sudo vi /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-fallback.session'''
:*Remove the occurrence of '''gnome-panel'''
:*Lock-out of your current session.
:*Prior to logging into your session, '''select your default session as "Classic Gnome"''' (with or without effects)
:*You should you see your AWN docking station (not your gnome session). Enjoy!
'''NOTE: This other procedure is now considered obsolete!'''
'''In order to hide the panel, you must instruct your system to use awn instead of panels.''' You do this by issuing the following single-line command in a shell prompt (you do NOT have to be super-user, and this command should be issued for each user on the system):