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New Firefox Performance Testing Documentation

269 bytes added, 16:53, 14 December 2006
Cygwin Setup
=Cygwin Setup=
* [ Cygwin]
**Download cygwin. **Install cygwin with the DOS-style line endings.(Use the default root directory, which is C:\)
**At minimum, you are required to have the following additional tools:
***unzip (Archive category)
*By default, the <b>[[]]</b> file that you need to execute to run the Firefox Performance Testing is located at <b>c:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\</b>
*You can use a space-separated list of config files, to generate a report of startup and page load times
*Before you run Firefox Performance Testing, refer to [[#What_happens_when_you_run_Firefox_Performance_Tests | What happens when you run Firefox Performance Tests]]
*You can run <b>[[]]</b> either from the DOS prompt or Cygwin
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* You can check the progress by the progress bar
* After the performance testing is done, your reports will be placed in the [[#REPORTS_DIR | REPORTS_DIR]] directory you specified in [[]]
** <b>By default, it your reports will go to: C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\extension_perf_reports</b>
* You can use a space-separated list of config files, to generate a report of startup and page load times.
** Refer to [[#Run_Firefox_Performance_Tests | Run Firefox Performance Tests]]