→Project Details
[[Category:Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]][[Category:SBR600]][[Category:DPI908/SBR600]][[Category:Fall 2012 DPI908]][[Category:Fall 2012 SBR600]]{{Draft}}
= ARMv8 Support Analysis =
<!-- Replace "Project Name" with the actual name of the project in the line above. -->
Resources: Chris Tyler (ctyler), Jon Masters (jonmasters)
Sources: [[http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/DPI908/SBR600_Potential_Projects#ARMv8_Support_Analysis|ARMv8_Support_Analysis]]
<!-- Description should be no longer than a paragraph. Include links to any relevant on-line resources. For example, [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki] or [http://developer.mozilla.org MDC]. -->
== Project Leader(s) ==
'''Andrew Oatley-Willis'''<br />
Wiki Page: [[User:Oatley | Andrew OW]]<br />
Learn: acoatley-willis<br />
IRC: oatley
'''M A'''<br />
Wiki Page: [[User:Maxamaxim| Max]]<br />
Learn: mhabed<br />
IRC: maxam
== Project Contributor(s) ==
[http://markmail.org/message/6fsahegaah3xcep6 JCM's Code]
<!-- Name(s) of people casually working on the project, or who have contributed significant help. Include links to personal pages within wiki. Adding the names of your contributors here is a nice way to thank them.
== Project Details ==
===SBR600 Database Connect for ARMv8===* Database Choice**MySQL**PSQL * Current Data Set before 0.1<!pre>Aborting due to error preparing packageSummary for package: python-2.7.3-6.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 1 Total number of files: 1 Inline assembly usage: ./Python-2.7.3/Python/pymath.c (2) ./Python-2.7.3/Python/ceval.c (9)Summary for package: python-squaremap-1.0.0-0.5.b25.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for package: python-ssh-1.7.13-2.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for package: python-repoze-who-plugins-sa-1.0.1-1.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for package: python-demjson-1.6-2.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for package: python-zope-i18n- Provides more depth than the Project Description3. This is the place 7.4-4.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for technical discussionspackage: python-unidecode-0.04.7-4.fc16.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0Summary for package: python-smbc-1.0.13-1.fc17.src.rpmCould not prepare source package0Aborting due to error preparing packageSummary for package: pymongo-2.1.1-1.fc17.src.rpm Assembly source files: 0 Inline assembly usage: 0 Total number of files: 0 ExcludeArch: ppc ppc64 %{sparc} s390 s390x </pre> * Data Formation Requirments for normalization** Possible csv file:**#packagename, project specsassembly(y/n), or other detailsadata1,adata2..... If this gets very long**#packagename, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to themexcludearch(y/n),arch1,arch2...... -->
== Project Plan ==
<!-- Note: each contributor is expected to have unique goals. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' work. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. -->
* 0.1
** Build initial script to identify assembly code inside fedora packages
** Make a basic database with the initial data
* 0.2
** Generate script that will distinguish between Arch and Platform specific assembly code
** Get/make koji connector to get additional data
** Make a better databse with the newer set dataset
* 0.3
** Predict the list of Fedora packages that may or may not build on ARMv8
== Communication ==
=== Blogs ===
<!-- Links to the blogs of people involved, both inside and outside Seneca -->
[http://www.andrewow.wordpress.com/category/sbr600 Andrew's Blog]
[http://maxamaxim.wordpress.com/category/cdot/ Maxam's Blog]
==== Seneca Particpants ====
[[User:Oatley | Andrew OW]]
[[User:Maxamaxim | Max]]
==== Non-Seneca Participants ====