→Help Needed
==Help Needed==
* My program fails at the following test. Anyone knowswhy should it returns Unkown keycode? How it should be handled then! - Amir
|Test 4.17: console.edit() initial corrections, Offset: The offset is|
|set to 10 that is invalid and it should be corrected to 5. The |
|function should terminate returning 0. |
| |
- console.edit() was supposed to return Unknown Keycode, Dec: 0 Hex: 0
but instead it returned: ENTER, Dec: 10 Hex: A
FAILED, hit any key to continue
*"My program is working completely fine in window but when I am trying to testing it on matrix it gives same error as below."- Tejas Patel
*When running on matrix, whenever I press Home, End, or Insert, the program exits rather than run the code I wrote. It works fine on Visual Studio however. I complied with -lncurses. - Ronny Wan <-- Check Notes section on this page and follow "Using Linux..." instruction even for Windows version of Putty - Hiroshi Takemoto
<===Try to compile it in a Linux OS, such as Fedora, using VM. It will be fine. - Linpei Fan ===>
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