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Assignment 2 (Release 0.1): Q & A

877 bytes added, 13:24, 13 October 2012
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But you can't know how many children the current frame has, unless you create special class members to keep/calculate that number.
<br>'''Answer Submitted by:''' [[Team 42 Contributions | Team0x2Au]] <br><br>
'''Q:''' How does the capture function work? <br>
'''A:''' It sets the position to which ever area the character is to receive and calls a method called .get character(). This is a method that was not introduced to zus but it is inside the capture function.<br>
'''Submitted by:''' Shavauhn and Elsi, Team 6<br><br>
'''Q:''' Can you call a method on the most derived class if using multiple inheritance and the two bases has the same name? <br>
'''A:''' Yes you can but need need to use :: to deal with the ambiguity between the class. So you would call base::method()<br>
'''Submitted by:''' Shavauhn and Elsi, Team 6<br><br>
== Bug Reports ==
#Smart word wrapping - words are not cut off mid-word while wrapping
#Optimization - "test" compiled executables have efficiency issues when moving boxes around
#Colors - you can add color to the test program if you're making your own main'''(Warning! Platform Dependent Code)'''#Cursor Visibility - you can toggle the cursor visibility '''(Warning! Platform Dependent Code)'''
#Timer - to keep track of how long the user has been running your custom main
#Files - Read string from file, use that string for editing, then write the result string to that file, overwriting original
#Child Tracking - each frame keeps/updates number and an array of addresses of children frames within it.

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