→Setting up the development tools
It's in this directory that you'll place the source for BigBlueButton.
==Checking out the Source==
You have to clone our git BigBlueButton fork in order to get the Polling Module.
<source lang="bash">
cd ~/dev
git clone https://github.com/capilkey/bigbluebutton.git
git checkout poll-access
==Building the Client==
===Setting up the environment===
To setup the client for development for the client, do the following
<source lang="bash">
bbb-conf --setup-dev client
You then need to open up the ~/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client/src/conf/config.xml file and add in the entry for the Polling Module. Make sure to replace the "<URL>" with the domain name of the server.
<source lang="mxml">
<module name="PollingModule" url="http://<URL>/client/PollingModule.swf?v=4067"
===Build the source===