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Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix Administration

54 bytes removed, 13:44, 18 September 2012
Adding Swap Space
== Adding Swap Space ==
The Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix 14 doesn't provision swap space by default, since the advisability of swapping to SD is debated.
If you wish to add swap space, you can easily do so:
To make the card resize the second partition the first time the new card is booted:
# Mount the second partition: <code>mkdir /mnt/sd-partition-2p2; mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sd-p2</code>
# Create the empty file <code>/.autoresize</code>: <code>touch /mnt/sd-p2/.autoresize</code>
# Unmount the partition: <code>umount /mnt/sd-p2</code>
== Changing the Memory Mix ==
The Raspberry Pi (model A or B) ships with 256M of memory. This memory is split between the ARM and GPU halves of the System-on-a-Chip (SOC). You can change the memory allocation by selecting a different start.elf program:
* For a 128M ARM / 128M GPU split (heavy graphics): <code>cp /boot/arm128_start.elf /boot/start.elf</code>