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GAM666/DPS901 Sample Team Page

456 bytes added, 18:44, 29 August 2012
no edit summary
{{GAM666/DPS901 Index| 20123}}
= Game Name Goes here =
== Project Marking Percentage ==<big> Group work: xx% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: xx% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%</big> == Repository ===== Repo ID ===gam666dps901_123??=== Trunk Status ===committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME] == Team Memebers Members == # [ Fardad Soleimanloo], Some responsibility # [ Fred Soley], Some othre other responsibility # [ Chris Szalwinski]
# ...
[, Email All]
== Proposal ==
== Map of the World of the Game ==
== Moderator's - Instructors Comments ==== Any other thing you find necessary ===