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Connect to Serial Console from Windows

2,054 bytes added, 20:19, 8 August 2012
[[Category:Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]]
= Connecting to a Linux device via USB-Serial Console from Windows =
There are two ways to connect to a Linux device via usb-serial console from Windows:
* Using Putty
* Using Cygwin
==Installation and Setup==
Both setup requires the installation of the USB-to-Serial/Virtual COM Port (VCP) Driver in the Windows device.
* Driver for the Windows device was downloaded from [ Future Technology Devices International Limited's website]
* Installation process was as easy as clicking the downloaded file
* After the installation the USB-to-Serial adapter's usb part was connected to the Windows device and the serial part in the Linux device.
* At this point the Windows issues a COM# (COM3 or COM4) to the adapter (usually at the lower left corner, in the Windows notification center)
* Configuration was modified according to [ this].
* Only difference from the above instruction was in #8, Bits per second (BPS) was set to 115200 instead of 9600.
* Windows executable was downloaded from [ Cygwin's website]
* Cygwin setup was done by following [ this].
* "Screen" was the additional package that was added beyond the default package set. (section 2.9 in the above link)
* Windows executable was downloaded from [ Putty' website] (Section: A Windows installer for everything except PuTTYtel)
* Setup was similar to [ this] (saved as the default profile)
* For Cygwin: Click on the cigwin icon and type <code>screen /dev/ttyS[X] 115200</code>
* For Putty: Click on the putty icon!
Com port to /dev/tty conversion
{| class="mediawiki" border="1" width="40%" style="text-align: center;"
:'''Linux kernel'''
:'''Kernel with devfs'''
=Connecting to a Linux device via USB|-Serial Console from Windows=There are two ways to connect to a Linux device via usb-serial console from Windows|:COM3|:/dev/ttys2|:/dev/tts/2|:2
* Using Putty|-|* Using Cygwin:COM4|:/dev/ttys3|:/dev/tts/3|:3|}