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Winter 2009 SYA810 Block Device Benchmark Scripts

2,152 bytes added, 23:39, 16 July 2012
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Please post your block device benchmark script here. I'm looking for a wide range of benchmark methodologies, so your script should test in a different way than the other scripts. I will collect these scripts on '''Monday, Jan 26''' and create a master script which runs all of these tests and reports the overall results.
= John Doe (example) P. Constantino =
Script or link #!/bin/bash # This script generate random numbers and seeks to that POSITION on the block device given, reading 1 kb of data at the time. # The purpose is test the speed of randomly reading 1024(default) blocks of 1KB from the disk. # A valid input for BLOCK DEVICE could be: /dev/sdb (disk) - /dev/sda9 (partition) - /dev/md8 (RAID) - /dev/mapper/foo/bar (LV). echo -n "Enter a number of block to read. Enter for default(1024): " read BLOCKS if [ "$BLOCKS" = "" ] then BLOCKS=1024 fi echo -n "Enter a valid block device (dev/): " read BLOCKDEVICE SIZE=$(df /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v 'Used') time -p for ((x=1; x<=$BLOCKS; x++)) do POSITION=$(( RANDOM % $SIZE + 1)) dd if=/dev/$BLOCKDEVICE of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1 seek=$POSITION sync echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches done echo " ^ time to script goes hereprocess randomly $BLOCKS blocks of 1KB on /dev/$BLOCKDEVICE."
= Gregory Katherine Masseau = [ Disk Test Script] = Nestor CHAN = [ Perfomance Test] = Mohak Vyas =[ Performance Test] =Varinder Singh=[ Python Performance Scripts] Script in Python.Any suggestions would be welcome  =Kezhong Liang= #!/bin/bash echo "Start to test ..." TIME_WRITE_START=$(date +%s) dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1024 count=1000000 sync TIME_WRITE_END=$(date +%s) echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches sync TIME_READ_START=$(date +%s) dd if=test of=/dev/null bs=1024 count=1000000 TIME_READ_END=$(date +%s) rm test echo "--------------------------------------------------------" TIME_WRITE_USED=$(($TIME_WRITE_END - $TIME_WRITE_START)) echo -n "The write disk performance: " echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_WRITE_USED)) echo " MB/sec" TIME_READ_USED=$(($TIME_READ_END - $TIME_READ_START)) echo -n "The read disk performance: " echo -n $((1024 / $TIME_READ_USED)) echo " MB/sec" == Milton Paiva Neto ==  #!/bin/bash # # Script first written by Nestor Chan - Bossanesta and modified by Milton Paiva Neto <> # Create 10 files with one with 10 GBs fully of zeros time -p (for ((x=1; x<=10; x++)) do dd if=/dev/zero of=fakefile$x bs=1G count=10; done sync ) = LINKS =[ Linux Raid Performance]