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[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows | Back to Firefox Performance Testing Project]]
This documentation is the revised version of Annie Sullivan's [[Readme.txt]] for the Firefox Performance Testing.
Unfortunately, the Firefox Performance Testing is only catered to Windows users at this time.
=Hardware Requirements=
*Win32 system
=Framework Prerequisites=
(List the sequence and provide sh script to automate this)
You'll need to download these before running performance testing:
* [ Python 2.4]
=Framework Configuration=
==Configure the environment==
#Make sure the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation#Framework_Prerequisites | prerequisites]] are installed.(sh script will automate this part - but get user to check)
#Make a directory for the framework:<pre>$mkdir C:\mozilla</pre>
#Download entire framework [ Performance Testing Framework] (directories and all subdirectories) and put it in '''C:\mozilla'''(one of two options 1.put reports dir in the framework 2.check if it exists and prompt user if he/she wants it created)
==Configure the paths (
(Lots of work in this area.. is unclear, should specify that it can be modified and that these are just defaults.. and the paths are misleading because people think that they are commands for dos)
==Configure the paths ( setup the appropriate paths for the framework, open the '''''' file in '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\''' and configure the paths(CYGWIN, SYNC, BASE_PROFILE_DIR, REPORTS_DIR, INIT_URL, TS_URL, TP_URL):
*This is the path to the directory that the generated reports will go into
<pre>REPORTS_DIR = r'C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\extension_perf_reports'</pre>
*Create '''extension_perf_reports''' dir in '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\'''
*Check that '''startup_test.html''' is in '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\startup_test'''
*'''Note: Don't change the local file url to a file path'''
*Check that '''cycler.html''' is in '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\page_load_test'''
*'''Note: Don't change the local file url to a file path'''
=Config file=
==Config fileinfo== (refer to Exended Progress Chart for yaml details - a few things have to be highlighted and clarified)
===Config info===In '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\''', create a YAML config file (config.yaml) with info about the profiles you want to test. Copy, paste and '''modify''' the following in config.yamlor refer to [[sample.config]]:
# Filename will be appended to the timestamp in the report filename.
# Extensions to install in test (use "extensions: {}" for none)
# Make sure that the path is directed to the desired location of the extension
# Need quotes around guid because of curly braces
"{12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcd12345678}" : c:\path\to\unzipped\xpi
1. Verify that the '''firefox''' path is pointing to the right Firefox instance on your system.
* You will hit a zero division error and some other errors if you don't point it to the right path
===Instructions2. '''preferences''':===1* If you don't have '''preferences''', change to: <pre>preferences : {}</pre> (make sure there is a space between ":" and "{" or else it will cause a syntax error)* If you do have '''preferences''', refer to [[sample. Check that your firefox path is rightconfig]]
23. '''extensions''':* If you don't have preferences '''extensions''' to set:*install, change to: <pre>preferences extensions: {}</pre> (make sure there is a space between ":" and "{" or else it will cause a syntax error)* If you do have '''extensions''' to install, refer to this sample:<pre> extensions: # Make sure that the path is directed to the desired location of the extension # Need quotes around guid because of curly braces "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcd12345678}" : c:\path\to\unzipped\xpi : c:\path\to\other\unzipped\xpi </pre>* Make sure that the path to the extension is right
34. If you donChange '''filename''' and '''title'''t have extensions to install in test:*change to: <pre>extensions: {}</pre> (make sure there is a space between ":" and "{" or else it will cause a syntax error)whatever you desire
45. filename and title can be anythingIn '''cmd''', run '''''' with the name of your config file as an argument in '''c:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\''': <pre>$ config.yaml</pre>
5* Running the test will close any existing Firefox windows. Run (this part has to be highlighted)**You might run into this message on your browser: '''run_testsThis page should close Firefox. If it does not, please make sure that the dom.pyallow_scripts_to_close_windows preference is set to true in about:config''' **Type ''' with the name of your auto:config file as an argument ''' in the address bar and double click on '''dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows''' to change it to true* If you see '''processing... Performance Testing is starting'''c:\mozilla\, performance testing\is running.. wait.. * After the performance\win32\testing is done, your reports will be placed in the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation#REPORTS_DIR | '''REPORTS_DIR''']] directory you specified in ''': <pre>$ ''' * You can use a space-separated list of configfiles, to generate a report of startup and page load times.yaml</pre>
*You can use a space-separated list =Directory Structure of config files, to generate a report of startup and page load times. *The report will be placed in the '''REPORTS_DIR''' directory you specified in ''''''.Framework=
=Directory Structure of Framework=
==Overview of Structure==
*NOTE: Content in '''base_profile''' dir may vary
The following is written by Annie Sullivan (