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XULRunner Guide

4,210 bytes added, 09:14, 12 April 2012
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== Project Contributor(s) ==
* [[User: Vpmirand | Vanessa]]:* Paul St-DenisProvided us a link to XULRunner examples in [ bsmedberg's blog]* [[User: Eldavey | Erin Davey]]:* Erin provided the screen shots of the XULRunner install on Windows.
* [[User:Elichak | Elichak]]
:* Helped some Provided lots of comments on how to fix the Hello World tutorialsection of the guide
* [[User:Melz | Melz]]
:* Provided us a link on [ PDF Export from Wiki] to help us get started
* [[User: Dwwoodsi | Dean]]
:* Introduced us to mfinkle on IRC and also gave us his blog
* [[User: Sherman | Sherman]]
:* Helped to compile and convert the XULRunner guide to PDF.
:* Help read through the whole guide and provided useful comments on the document
*[[User:Mattar1 | Mohamed Attar]]
:* Helped proof read v1 of the XULRunner Guide.
*[[User:Jbmossop | Jeff]]
:* Created a graphical icon that will be used for the footer of each page of the guide
:* [[Image:XULRunner2.png]]
* Smedberg
:* Guided us on where to find certain information.
:* Also gave us hints on what to put in the XR Guide Outline
== Project Details ==
[[XULRunner_Guide_Outline | XULRunner Guide]]
== Project News XULRunner PDF == Last Uploaded: Dec 13, 2006 4:35 PM EST  :[ XULRunner Guide v1.5.pdf] :[ XULRunner Guide v1.5.doc] Last Uploaded: Dec 13, 2006 1:00 PM EST  :<strike>[ XULRunner Guide v2.PDF] :[ XULRunner Guide v2.doc]</strike>  Last Uploaded: Dec 12, 2006 1:36 AM EST  :<strike>[ XULRunner Guide.PDF]
'''November 27, 2006 by :[http://curr.mylau'''.net/school/DPS909/XULRunner%20Guide.doc XULRunner Guide.doc]</strike>
These were some of the links I found that can potentially convert Wiki's to PDF automatically. I have yet to test these few alternatives but hopefully I'll get around to it next week.== XULRunner Guide Todo List==
* <strike>Have the conversion between XULRunner application to extensions and vice versa. (This part isn't very important to have in the guide but its good to have) -- assigned to [[User:Vpmirand | Vpmirand]] and [[User:PStD | PStD]] </strike>*Add ways of debugging XULRunner application on the guide -- assigned to [[User:Mylau | mylau]] --> '''done'''* Proof read guide -- assigned to [[User:Cbguy1 | Colin]], [[httpUser://metaMattar1 | Mohamed Attar]]* Put the whole guide into PDF format.wikimedia (Once everything is done) -- assigned to [[User:Mylau | mylau]] --> '''done'''* Have a logo for the XULRunner http[[User:// | Jeff]]--> '''done'''
'''Note:*[ http://mediawiki.blender''' If you would like to contribute to any of this in the todo list or would like to add something to the todo list, please notify the Project Also, just because someone is already assigned to it, does not mean you cannot also work on it.php/Meta/Wiki_to_PDF]
:== Project News =='''January 18, 2007 by mylau'''*[http://trac-hacksChanged the dead link for the XULRunner Guide]3
Also'''December 12, there was one site which I went 2006 by mylau'''* Special thanks to whcih said [[User:Mattar1 | Mattar1]] for proof reading our version 1 of the guide and [[User:Jbmossop | Jbmossop]] for creating an icon for the easiest way footer of solving each page of the guide.* Updated the converting between wiki to match the PDF issue was information, * Updated the contribution list and the Todo List* Sent an email to save each bsmedberg and attached a copy of the PDF file '''December 13, 2006 by cbguy1'''* Proofread the XULRunner Guide and made revisions as HTML necessary and emailed the doc to [[User:Mylau | mylau]] to be uploaded. to his site.'''December 12, 2006 by mylau'''* Thanks to mfinkle for providing me some feedback on fixes which needed to be made for the guide. I took most of his advice and convert them made the modifications necessary. * I looked at the guide [[User:Cbguy1 | cbguy1]] posted but required a lot of work. I tried editing the PDF directly but could not find any good tool to use. I attempted to modify the PDF using Foxit Editor but I spent over 1hour learning how to do it. I realized this was not the best approach to modifying the PDF. Hence, I redid the whole document to PDF . I put all the written work on the wiki onto a word document and converted it using Open Office. This seems like usable alternative was the practical solution since my team only has about 20 pages maxmost of the work in the document was not proof read and organized. Although this is true, I would still like * Fixed some of the spelling and grammatical mistakes while reorganizing the document to automate fit onto the convertingPDF. Some users in the community might want * If possible it would be great if there were people who would like to know how proof read our document to do this as wellensure the document is sound.
On top of converting the pages to PDF'''December 11, 2006 by cbguy1'''Sherman and I also need just finished compiling and editing the XulRunner Guide and converted it to know if there's a free PDF editor that I format. The guide can usebe viewed [http://warp.senecac.on. I suspect after converting each file to PDF, it won't be formatted properly or at least to not my likingca/cbguy1/XULRunner/XULRunnerGuide.pdf here]
'''November 26December 10, 2006 by mylau'''I added some of the minor details [[User: elichak | elichak]] mentioned in the [[Talk:How_to_do_a_Hello_World_application_using_XULRunner | Hello World discussion]]. She helped find a lot of the little mistakes that I would have never found. Just to note one thing she mentionied, posting bat files which creates the directory tree automatically, this won't be a good idea for the guide. The main reason is that bat files are Window's specific. Until someone creates a script which auto-creates directories for Linux and Mac, I won't put the bat file but thanks for the help.
Looked into the '''December 9, 2006 by mylau'''Today I found a really good link for [ PDFDebugging_a_XULRunner_Application Deubbing XULRunner applications] recommended by . I also finally finished the debugging XULRunner part of the guide. Looks like the guide is in good shape for the deliverable that will be sent to [[User:Melz David.humphrey | MelzDavid Humphrey]] and recommendation by . All that needs to be done which is mandatory is putting the information in the wiki into PDF which [[User:Elichak Cbguy1| ElichakCbguy1]] for the documentation structuresaid would do.
Other things I worked on:
:* Updated Todo list
:* Updated the contribution list
Updated all the doucments in the '''Tutorial on XULRunnerDecember 8, 2006 by mylau''' sections* Emailed bsmedberg on our progress of the guide and asked his feedback. They include:Also mentioned to him that Colin and I will be sending him a PDF of our guide to date.:*File/Folder StructureSpecial thanks to [[User:*applicationDwwoodsi]] for letting me know about the new Mozilla person mfinkle.ini File:*chrome I spoke to mfinkle about our guide and asked the person to provide feedback.manifest File:*prefs mfinkle will most likely be emailing me back with feedback by the end of the day.js File:*How Hopefully I'll have time to run incorporate his feedback into the applicationguide as well.
'''December 6, 2006 by mylau'''
Since there is only one version of XULRunner that this document is discussing currently, I moved [[XULRunner_1.8 | Deploying XULRunner 1.8]] to [[How_to_deploy_XULRunner | Delploying XULRunner]]. Also, I moved the XULRunner Guide Outline from the main page to [[XULRunner_Guide_Outline]]. In the guide, I removed the following::*New features in this release:*Changes made:*Bug Fixes Added a TODO list for each versionThere wasn't much information on these topics, if any. To be able to have these sections in the guide would require extensive time to investigate the isuses of XULRunner from day 1 of when it was launched. We don't have that much tine to invest on this. I also rearranged some of the topics in the outline such as '''XULRunner Version''' and '''About this guide'''.project
'''December 5, 2006 by mylau'''
I've added an introduction and conclusion * Converting to PDFTalked to the [[How_to_do_a_Hello_World_application_using_XULRunner User: elichak | How to do a Hello World application using XULRunnerelichak]]about the conversion between Wiki and PDF. She mentioned the fact that in order to convert Wikis into PDF, I would need to embed some code like PHP into the Wiki for the converting program to work. This theory of her's did make senes since due to the research I've done last week had the same results. If I were to automate the PDF conversion, I also revised would have to talk to ACS since they own the document so its more intuitive code base for new developers as well as provided zenit. I don't think I'll be using that method. It's too much of a screenshot of hassle. Since the document seems pretty short, I'm going to put it into the executed programPDF manually.
'''*I moved the November 25, 2006 by cbguy1'''project news to an achieve. <br>*Debugging XULRunnerCurrently working on I've went back to listen to the different mehods workshop Ben Smedberg gave about XULRunner is deployed amoung the various operating systems. The page has been setup I jotted some notes about how he debugged XULRunner and plan to accomadate subsequent versions of XULRunner when theywill be released. Also any unnecessary or redundant headings were removed. <br>Working post that section up on an Introduction for the XUL Runner guide.<br>Made updates to setting up later in the pref.js fileweek.<br>
== Project News Archive ==
*[[XULRunner_Guide_November2006_Archive | November 2006]]
*[[XULRunner_Guide_October2006_Archive | October 2006]]
*[[XULRunner_Guide_September2006_Archive | September 2006]]
*[[XULRunner_Guide_October2006_Archive | October 2006]]
==Useful Links==
*[ XULRunner Release Note]
*[ Debugging a XULRunner Application]
*[ Getting startd started with XULRunner]*[ Debugging XULRunner Application]