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==Meeting Feb 04, 2010=====Regrets==Introduction=
===Attendance===*[[User:asalga|Andor Salga]]*[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]*[[User:Dhhodgin|Daniel Hodgin]]The Processing.js development team holds a weekly conference call to organize releases and discuss issues relating to current bugs. If you're helping to implement Processing.js, you're welcome to join.
*[[User<s>The call is held every Thursday at 5:15 pm EST (2:15 pm PST).</s> Here are the dial-in instructions (all numbers to go the same place, pick the appropriate one for your location):ASydiK|Mickael Medel]]
*[[User:David.humphrey|David Humphrey]]+1 650 903 0800 extension 92, conference # 7620 (US/International)* +1 416 848 3114 extension 92, conference # 7620 (Canada)* +1 800 707 2533 (password 369), conference # 7620 (US Toll Free)
Pressing *[[User:Anna1 will mute or unmute your line. If you're having trouble hearing other people, pressing *6 will make the conference louder to you (*4 makes it quieter). If other people are having trouble hearing you, pressing *9 will make you louder to everyone else (*7 reverses this).sobiepanek|Anna Sobiepanek]]
*For backchannel conversations, use [httpirc:// Al MacDonaldprocessing.js #processing.js].
*[ Corban Brook]=Meetings=
===Proposed Agenda===* 0.4 Release wrap-up (NOTE: if you have agenda items you wish to add, please speak to Anna)* Test Reporting (What? Why?annasob on irc) (D.Humphrey)* status of PImage (corban, al) * Status Report (Everyone)* Unassigned 0who chairs the meetings.5 items (Anna)* turnaround time for reviews (Anna)* zenit wiki cleanup (Anna)
===Minutes===* 0[[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Feb-04-2010|February 4 Release is done, 2010]]* [[Processing. jeresigjs/processingConferenceCalls/Feb-11-2010|February 11, 2010]]* [[Processing.js and annasob/processingConferenceCalls/Feb-18-2010|February 18, 2010]]* [[Processing.js repos have been updated and tagged v0/ConferenceCalls/Feb-25-2010|February 25, 2010]]* [[Processing.40. Everyone's master repo has to be updated. Change log can be found here: https:js/ConferenceCalls/processingMar-11-2010|March 11, 2010]]* [[|March 18, 2010]]
* David Humphrey has written a bunch of scripts that can be run to ensure no errors are found when your code is merged with the main repo[[Processing. This testing will become MANDATORY for v0.60 ++. A JavaScript shell will be required to run the testsjs/ConferenceCalls/Mar-25-2010|March 25, best way to get it is to build Firefox from source. Humphrey will put together documentation to aide in testing.2010]]* Al and Corban have not looked over PImage[[Processing. Daniel Hodgin is suggesting we get the code finished (it's probably 80%+ done) and worry about asynchronous image loading later on (requested by Google Groups). Hodgin is taking over all of PImage's implementation. * Everyone is pretty much finished with their functions with some exceptions. Andor's ortho() is blocked due to dependencies and his scale() will need to be pushed to v0.6. Daniels blendColor() performance issue will need to be pushed to v0.6. Anna is still waiting for the completion of camera() perspective() and P3DMatrix to complete her rotate demos. Andor has taken over box() in order to get it working with the previously mentioned 3D functions. * Unassigned tickets for v0.5 have been assigned or moved to later milestone. * Turnaround time for reviews needs to be minimized. To do this reviews are top priority and should be done before any code is written. If a review failsjs/ConferenceCalls/Apr-1-2010|April 1, the person who originally wrote it has to fix it before working on anything else. Lighthouse ticket status: if review failed; make notes on the ticket, assign ticket back to original writer with status assigned. 2010]]* zenit wiki cleanup moved to next meeting[[Processing* New Business: PGraphic has to be in for v0.60. Please look over specs to see if you want to tackle the code.==Meeting Feb 11js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-8-2010|April 8, 2010=====Regrets======Attendance===]]*[[User:asalgaProcessing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-15-2010|Andor SalgaApril 15, 2010]]*[[User:DhhodginProcessing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-22-2010|Daniel HodginApril 22, 2010]] ===Proposed Agenda=== * New Project Members * 0.5 Update * PGraphic * P3D V.S. OPENGL * Profiling * zenit wiki cleanup * discuss Dave's test framework if its going to be mandatory for 0.6+ ===Minutes===