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Fall 2010 SBR600 Project Table

5,691 bytes added, 16:55, 16 March 2012
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SBR600 students: please select one of the [[SBR600 Potential Projects]] and add an entry to this table. Project assignment is not final until approved by [[User:Chris Tyler|your professor]].
Instructions- '''Part A''':
* Edit this page and add a row. Fill it in with your details.
* In the ''Project'' column, please place a project title exactly as written on the [[SBR600 Potential Projects|potential projects]] page.* In the ''Alternate choices'' column, please name one or two other projects that you are also interested in, if your first choice is oversubscribed or not available.
If you break the table, please fix it!
Instructions - '''Part B''' - Once your initial project selection is cleared with your prof:
* Edit your row to add links to your User page ('''be sure your user page contains your IRC nick and your LEARN e-mail address''') and your Project page. For the Project page, use the [[Sample Project]] as a template.
* Fill in the Project page with your initial project plans.
** Research the scope of your project
** Identify some initial resources (people, information)
** Decide on your goals for your 0.1 release (proof of concept -- '''Nov 5''' -- Nov 12 for AutoQA), 0.2 release (initial implementation -- '''Nov 24'''), and 0.3 release (good implementation -- '''Dec 10'''). Note that some projects have a much bigger scope than others, and some will be largely completed by the first release date (in which case you may want to take on a second small project for the later release dates).
* '''Due date: Initial project plans should be filled in before class on Friday, October 8.'''
{|class="wikimedia sortable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"
!Name||Project||Approved by (or approval comments)||Comments||Alternate choices|-|[ Adrian Pruteanu]||[[Mozharness]]||Chris Tyler||I want to work with the Mozilla guys and this project looks to rely heavily on scripting, which I enjoy||fedpkg Test Suite, Fedora-ARM Dogfood - Koji Hub, End-to-end project|-|[ Mustafa Redha]||[[Mozharness]]||Chris Tyler||Would prefer working on a Mozilla related project that involves scripting, specifically Perl, Python or BASH||Alternates: Repository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Beta or fedpkg Test Suit|-|[ Jason Van]||[[Set up FUNC]]||Chris Tyler||Really interested in helping with this, however, will need to learn on the way||AutoQA, Set up Puppet|-|[ Matthew Ortofsky]||[ Set up Nagios monitoring of the ARM farm]||Chris Tyler||This look like an interesting project, and im sure there is a lot for me to learn||Set up FUNC,Fedora-ARM Dogfood - Koji Hub, Set up Puppet|-|Kerry Taylor||[[Set up Nagios monitoring of the ARM farm]]||Chris Tyler||I am very interested in taking on this project; as it seems to be very involved, from a system monitoring perspective.||As an alternative, I consider the FUNC project to be aligned with my first choice, due to the interests that it also generates.|-|[ Yegor Tyunin]||[[Set up Nagios monitoring of the ARM farm]]||Chris Tyler||I think it would be interesting to work on this project||Set up FUNC,Fedora-ARM Dogfood - Koji Hub, Set up Puppet|-|[ Jaewoo Park]||[[AutoQA]]||Chris Tyler|||I'm interested in automation||fedPKG Test|-|[ Zhiqing Wang]||[[fedpkg Test Suite]]||Chris Tyler||It seems a challenge to me||End-to-end project|-|[ Eric Shum]||[[AutoQA]]||Chris Tyler|| This is a project sounds like a challenge || Script Factory, End-to-end project|-|Hoc Tran||[[AutoQA]]||Chris Tyler|| Interested in QA || End-to-end project|-|[ Jing Yang]||[[buildAPI]]||Chris Tyler||Interest in projects that is related to scripting || AutoQA, fedpkg test suite|-|[ Tae Hee Lee]||[[To Thumb or Not to Thumb]]||Chris Tyler|| Any of these are fine with me || Set up Puppet|-|Chris Abbott||[[Set up FUNC]]||Chris Tyler|| Looks interesting from a networking standpoint|-|[ Pirathapan Sivalingam]||[[Set up Puppet]]||Chris Tyler||I am interested as im a networking student this will allow me to learn more || Set up FUNC, Set up Nagios monitoring for the ARM farm|-|[ Mark Eamiguel]||[[Supporting Architectures above armv5tel]]||Chris Tyler||Recommended by Chris Tyler|| Device and Support testing, Puppet, AutoQA|-|Young Chol Shon||Fedora-ARM,Dogfood - koji Hub||Chris Tyler|| I am interesting in Fedora-ARM koji || as the Koji hub, along with a group of ARM builders.|-|[ Rizwan Haq]||[[AutoQA]]||waiting for approval|| looks interesting || Set up FUNC, AutoQA|-|[ Jawwad Zaidi]||[[Device Support and Testing]]||Chris Tyler|| I will be trying this project because it looks interesting || fedpkg Test Suite|-|[ Yauheni Khabian]||[[Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds]]||Chris Tyler|| Seems like an interesting challenge to get involved with Fedora and Firefox as well as the technical aspect of this || Script Factory.|-|[ Vitalijs Bluzmans]||[[Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds]]||Chris Tyler|| Interesting challege || Script Factory|-|[ Brett van Gennip]||[[Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds]]||Chris Tyler|| Interesting challege || Script Factory|-|[ Kyle Weber]||[[Device Support and Testing]]||Chris Tyler|| I am interested in this project || fedpkg Test Suite|-|[ Tarinur Choudhury]||[[Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds]]||Chris Tyler|| Interested || Nagios / FUNC / Puppet|-|[ Saad Husain]||[[fedpkg Test Suite]]||Chris Tyler|| This seems interesting || Device Support and Testing
|''JM. Doe''A. Sajed Shadani ||Device Support and Testing||''Sample Project from Potential Project List''Chris Tyler||''I really like creating samples, but may need to learn Python to do am very interested in this project.''as I enjoy hacking gadgets ||''Example project''Script Factory /FUNC
|''Adrian Pruteanu''Andrew Singh ||''ScriptFactory''[[buildAPI]]||''I want Chris Tyler|| My first choice would definitely be to work with the on a Mozilla guys Project, and this project looks to rely heavily on scripting, which I enjoy''like a challenge ||''fedpkg Test SuiteRepository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Beta, FedoraEnd-ARM Dogfood to- Koji HubEnd Project, End-toSet-end project''up Puppet
|''Mustafa Redha''||''ScriptFactory''||''Would prefer working on a Mozilla related project that involves scripting, specifically Python or BASH''||''Alternates: Repository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Beta or fedpkg Test Suit''