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Bcfg2 Configuration

10 bytes added, 12:11, 14 March 2012
The BCFG2 configuration management system uses a folder hierarchy to define configuration elements. At the end of the server setup process, the root of "/var/lib/bcfg2" contains a number of folders, which are associated with a plugin defined in /etc/bcfg2.conf.
* '''Bundler''':This is the location that Bundles are defined.* '''Cfg''': **This is where actual configuration files are located. The Cfg folder hierarchy is a standard that defines the folder layouts for any other plugin that create or provide configuration files.* '''Metadata''': Metadata is where the definitions for clients(clients.xml) and groups (groups.xml) are located.* '''Pkgmgr''': This folder is used for the Pkgmgr plugin. The Packages plugin is used in this configuration so this folder is not used.* '''Rules''': This folder is not used.
This folder is not used.
In addition, this documentation covers additional plugins that are used for the Build farm:
* '''TCheetah''': TCheetah is a templating system which allows the dynamic generation of host files.* '''Packages''': The packages plugin has enhanced YUM support, so it will be used in lieu of the Pkgmgr plugin* '''Probes''': This is used in conjunction with the packages plugin to identify architeccture.