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Winter 2012 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

400 bytes added, 10:40, 1 March 2012
Week 6 (Feb 14
** Time for a brief Q&A/Feedback session at the end.
= Week 6 (Feb 14 ) =
== Tuesday ==
* Add your cert using the instructions in the readme.txt file.
* Blog about your experience.
= Week 7 (Feb 21) =
== Tuesday ==
* Demo of packaging some odd real-world cases for the Raspberry Pi
== Wednesday ==
* [[Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix]] launch event
== Thursday ==
* Python
= Break week! =
* Please don't leave your 0.1 milestone work until the last minute!
= Week 9-13 =
* Project work
* Schedule:
** 0.1 Milestone: March 9
** 0.2 Milestone: March 23
** 0.3 Milestone: April 13

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