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OPS235 Lab 6 - Fedora17

108 bytes added, 03:35, 27 February 2012
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=== Investigation 1: How do you create a new virtual network. ===
{{Admon/note | Use the Fedora Host | Complete the following steps on your main fedora host '''f16host''' computer system (f13host).}}
Before configuring our network we want to turn off dynamic network configuration for our Virtual Machines by turning off the "default" virtual network.
# On the fedora host start Virtual Machine Manager
# In the Virtual Machine Manager dialog box, Select '''Edit'''-> '''Connection Details'''.# In the '''Hosts ''' Details dialog box, select the '''Virtual Networks ''' tab# Disable the default configuration from starting at boot by deselecting the "'''Autostart On Boot" ''' checkbox.# Stop the default network configuration by clicking on the '''stop ''' button at the bottom of the window.# Click on the '''add ''' button (plus sign) to add a new network configuration.
# Give your new network a name (network1)
# Enter in the new network IP address space:
# Disable DHCP by deselecting the check box.
# Enable Network Forwarding by Selecting "'''Forwarding to physical network"'''# The destination should be "'''Any physical device" ''' and the mode should be "'''NAT"'''# Proceed with changes, and select '''Finish'''.# Before proceeding, check the "<u>default</u>" network connection (in the Virtual Networks section) to verify "'''Autostart On Boot" ''' is disabled, and that you have created the "'''network1" ''' configuration. If you have any problems launching your VMs, then it is recommend to reboot your main system.
{{Admon/note | Repeat these steps for each VM | Complete the following steps on <u>each</u> of your virtual machines.}}
# Now we need to add our new virtual network "'''network1" ''' to the 3 VM's##Select the '''fedora1 ''' VM and edit the VM details## Under View select '''Details'''
## In the left pane select the NIC and note that this NIC is on the "default" virtual network
## Click on the '''Remove ''' button## Click on "'''Add Hardware" ''' and add a new network## For the host device select "'''Virtual Network network1" ''' : NAT# Repeat these steps for '''fedora2 ''' and '''fedora3 ''' VM's 
# Answer the Investigation 1 question in your lab log book.

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