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Implementing the Mouse Lock API in Firefox

1,584 bytes added, 00:09, 15 February 2012
Review Issues
* Finish tests, updated to changes above.
* <s>Update patch to trunk</s> - humph
* Figure out why DOMMouseScroll events aren't being retargeted to the locked element
* Look into roc's suggestion from bug 722449 comment 8, namely, using getBoundingClientRect vs. GetPrimaryFrame()
* Maybe use nsStubMutationObserver instead of nsIMutationObserver?
* Extensions to the Document Interface. Add pointerLockElement attribute and exitPointerLock method - diogogmt
* Update Element interface to have requestPointerLock - diogogmt
* <s>Dispatch pointerlockchange or pointerlockerror events instead of firing a callback when pointer gets locked</s> - diogogmt
* Update mochitests to use new pointerlock API
* Add expect number of tests to mochitests
* Update patch to trunk
| '''NoneFixing'''
| X
| Worked as is.
| 12
| X
| Minor stuffchanges, works mostly styling.|-| 13| test_mouseLockable.html| rhung| X| X| X| X| -| | | '''FIXED & RENAMED''' | | X| Updated to test_MozPointerLock.html|-| 14| file_MouseEvents.html| rhung| X| X| X| X| Leak issue might be platform specific.| | | '''FIXED?''' | | X| Works without chance of hanging or random success and failures.|-| 15| file_limitlessScroll.html| rhung|||||| | | '''MERGED WITH file_movementXY''' | |||-| 16| file_defaultUnlock.html| rhung|||||| | | '''FIXED''' | | X||-| 17| file_userPref.html| rhung|||||| | | '''FIXED''' || X||-| 18| file_constantXY.html| rhung|||||| | | '''FIXING''' || X| Needs proper error messages, perhaps formatting issues. Test runs finethough.
New Tests (not sure if it will work on mochitest, and the test will possibly fail as dave is working on this patch)# When there is a parent element with multiple child element, have a test to check that all mouse events fired inside the child element are suppressed and is captured by the parent element.(this may also include the scenario where there is an iframe in the parent element)
# A Test to check that repeated move of the mouse to a certain direction that will exceed the screen size does not break the mouselock (this may conflict with file_movementXY.html and we may need to add more test cases)

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