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294 bytes removed, 17:07, 16 January 2012
Apply the Solution Package to the QA
# Retract and remove the existing solution through
#:Central Admin -> Central Admin à Operations à Solution Management à CanTire.ContinuingEducation.wsp
# Copy the new .wsp file and add the solution again -> #:stsadm –o addsolution –filename ‘PATH\TO\ CanTire.ContinuingEducation.wsp’# Deploy the solution from the Central Admin or type in -> #:stsadm –o deploysolution –name ‘CanTire.ContinuingEducation.wsp’ –allowgacdeployment –immediate –force#Activate feature -> #:stsadm –o activatefeature -name CanTire.ContinuingEducation -url http://apps-devcantire.ctc/# IISReset
# Run the application on http://apps-devcantire.ctc/ContinuingEducation/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx
# To check the email body, go to Application Configuration and change all the email field to yours, also enter your name as the manager in the application form; the result would be sent to you.
* Example of Redeploying from Alena=== Apply the Solution Package to the QA===: Deactivate feature:: Stsadm –o deactivatefeature –name CanTire# Copy the deployment steps document and the .SharePointwsp file to a shared folder e.DealChangeg.ApprovalWorkflow.V. -url http://apps-qacantire.ctc/dealchange/E: Retract and remove solution from solution store \Minoo\ContinuingEducation(the Central Admin à Operations à Solution Management\\prdsav1\Everyone\Minoo\ContinuingEducation\).: Add solution:: Stsadm –o addsolution –filename “path # Ask QA to deploy the wsp file”: Deploy solutionto QA environment.:: Stsadm –o deploysolution –name “CanTire# The functionality will be verified by Business Client.SharePointWhen they sign off, this job will be finished and moved to the production.DealChange.ApprovalWorkflow.V.” –allowgacdeployment –immediate –force: Activate feature:: Stsadm –o activatefeature –name CanTire.SharePoint.DealChange.ApprovalWorkflow.V. -url http://apps-qacantire.ctc/dealchange/: iisreset=== Apply the Solution Package to the Production ===

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