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DPS905 Hic Sunt Dracones

4,683 bytes added, 08:31, 13 January 2012
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{{GAM666GAM670/DPS901 DPS905 Index | 2010320111}}= Game Name Goes here Razed by Fire === Project Marking Percentage ==<big> Group work: 25% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 75% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%</big> == Information ==Our code uses the [ June 2010 DirectX SDK]. You'll need to uninstall the August 2007 SDK, and install the June 2010 SDK.Download the code from svn trunk, and compile. All resource files required for running the game (audio, models, textures) can be found in \branches\resources Audio files (.xwm) are encoded in the xWMA format, which offers 30x compression ratios over regular WAVE files. The audio engine is perfectly capable of playing .wav files without any modification, but you should encode them using the [ xmaencode] tool located in the DirectX SDK Command Prompt before committing to the repository. Right now audio files are only played globally. Jon will be implementing X3DAudio within the next few days. 
== Repository ==
=== Repo path ===
* old path*: svn://* new path*: svn://
=== Trunk Status ===
committed Current repository status information can be found by jboelentyping "!svn" in the [irc:// IRC chat channel]
== Team Members ==
''' [,,,, Group Email]'''
* [ dps905 Daniel Hodgin]* [ dps905 Jon Buckley]* [ James Boelendps905 Kaitlyn Callow]* [ Steven Weerdenburgdps905 David Perit]  == Meetings == * '''IRC'''** Sundays at 9pm in channel [mailtoirc:dacallow@learn// #HSD] Kaitlyn Callow]net
== Game Information ==
== Phase 1 ==
=== Proposal ===
For our second run at this project we will be adding more functionality to the game. More in depth COLLADA loading, more refined particle systems, refined XAudio, and visibility performance increases.
== Phase 2 ==
== Meetings Phase 3 ==
* '''IRC'''
** Sundays at 8pm in channel #HSD on
* '''TEL Open Lab'''** Thursdays =Old history from 9:50 - 11:40 in TEL Open LabDPS901=
== Phase 1 ===== Proposal ===
Our game is a third-person action shooter where the user is a dragon that is flying over villages and attempting to reign havoc. In reaction to the attacks soldiers gather in increasingly greater numbers and try to fight back against the dragon. The dragon will be able to destroy both the villages and the soldiers by shooting fire at them. The rate that villages & soldiers appear at will increase over time making it more difficult to kill enough to keep their numbers down.
* soldiers as simple rectangles
* flat level ground for the world
* ability to look around with a mouse and steer with keyboard. Movement is on x and y planes but not z, the dragon is at a fixed elevation in the air.The process of [ essay writing] will be much easier with MarvelousEssays.Com as there are a lot of highly professional and talented writers who are always eager to help you out with any sort of academic assignments regardless of the complexity levels. The process of [ essay writing] will be much easier with MarvelousEssays.Com as there are a lot of highly professional and talented writers who are always eager to help you out with any sort of academic assignments regardless of the complexity levels. I do know what I�m talking about! I do know what I�m talking about!
* a 'shoot' mechanic to attack cubes and rectangles
* collision detection
== Game Mockups ==
=== Likely Improvements To Engine === '''primary focus areas'''{| border="1"|-|graphic improvements|Daniel, Kaitlyn |-|game logic, camera, world|James |-|improvements to audio, specifically to use OOG files|Jon |-|particle effects|Kaitlyn |-|collision detection, enemy management|Steven |-|add stock objects (sphere, torus, etc.), more primitives|Steven |-|import model script|Daniel |}  '''other possible'''{| border="1"|-|computer a.i. logic|--- |-|comprehensive camera motion|--- |-|} === Game Mockups === * '''Objects''' [[Image:btp901-fall2010-HSD-mockups-objects.jpg||| ]] * '''Interface''' [[Image:btp901-fall2010-HSD-mockups-Interface.jpg||| ]] * '''Possible Map of the World of the Game''' [[Image:btp901-fall2010-HSD-mockups-map.jpg||| ]]  == Phase 2 ===== Information ======= Class Diagram ====[[Image:HSD_ClassDiagram.png|700px| ]] ====Collision Detection====For collision detection, we used axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB). These build an imaginary box around a visible object, as defined by: * minx* miny* minz* maxx* maxy* maxz These specify the minimum and maximum bounds of the bounding box in world space. From these, collisions (or general overlap) may be determined via the [ separating axis theorem]. This theorem can be applied to three-space using the name separating plane theorem and states that "if two convex objects are not penetrating, there exists an axis for which the projection of the objects will not overlap." In implementation, this can be done as such: <pre>typedef struct Rect3D { float minx; float miny; float minz; float maxx; float maxy; float maxz;}; // AABB Collision Detection in Cint doesOverlap(Rect3D a, Rect3D b) { return !( a.minx > b.maxx || a.maxx < b.minx || a.maxy < b.miny || a.miny > b.maxy || a.maxz < b.minz || a.minz > b.maxz );}</pre> Note that AABB vs. AABB collision is one of a vast number of cases. For a more comprehensive listing, see [ Real Time Rendering]. Also, for performance increase one may wish to investigate [ spatial partitioning]. === Screenshots ===[[Image:DPS901_HSD_103_Mansions.png|200px| ]][[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-sceenshot-12-04-10.JPG.JPG|200px| ]] [[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-enemies-11 30 2010.jpg.jpg|400px| ]] [[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-particles-2-11_30_2010.jpg|400px| ]] [[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-particles-1-11_29_2010.jpg|400px| ]] [[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-sceenshot-11_22_10-1.JPG|200px| ]]
'''Interface'''[[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-sceenshot-11_22_10-2.JPG|200px| ]]
[[Image:btp901BTP901-fall2010-HSD-mockupssceenshot-Interface11_17_10.jpg|JPG|200px| ]]
'''Possible Map of the World of the Game'''[[Image:BTP901-fall2010-HSD-sceenshot-Skybox.JPG||200px| ]]
[[Image:btp901-fall2010-HSD-mockups-mapWater.jpgJPG||200px| ]]
== Moderator's - Instructors Comments ==== Any other thing you find necessary ==[[Image:dragon4.jpg|200px| ]]