no edit summary
<li>Select the default language ('''English''') in the next install screen, and click '''Next'''.</li>
<li>Select the default '''keyboard layout''' and '''Basic Storage Devices''' in the following installation screens.</li>
<li>Set your hostname (name of the computer) to - <big>'''f16host''' </big> (one word, no space, all lowercase). <br />Record in your lab logbook why you think it is important to set your hostname to this exact name instead of using another name...</li>
<li>Set your time zone to '''Toronto'''.</li>
<li'''>Root Password: enter a password of your own choosing'''. Pick one that is really, really hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!").</li>
{{Admon/important|Using Entire Hard Disk|You may be "hesitant" to want to use the entire disk for just one operating system, but we will be using software that will allow us to run virtual machines for installation of other versions of Fedora and allow them to run at the same time as our main installs (while your hostsystem called '''f16host''' is also running) Fedora distribution.|
{{Admon/important|Boot-up Issues (Fedora16) in Seneca's Computer labs|Each time you boot from your removable hard drivesdrive:
:* '''Press the function key F10 and specify the hard disk device to boot''' <br />(eg. SATA drive). :* If the user is prompted for a password, '''simply press ENTER''' <br />(without typing any password) at the password prompt.
<li value="21">When the system starts, set or accept the time and date default.</li>
<li>Create a user account for yourself using the same name as your learn account, and create a suitable password (do not forget password!).</li>
<li>Normally, you would want to enable '''Network Time Protocol''', but since we will be experimenting with the networking turned off in later labs, '''leave it disabled'''.</li>
<li> Click on '''Do Not Send Hardware Profile'''.</li>
<li>Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your Learn computer accountand your created (i.e. your name).</li>
<li>Proceed to Investigation 2</li>
'''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
==Investigation 2: How many files file packages and files are installed on the system?==
'''For the rest of the tasks in this lab, you must login to your installed Fedora system using your Learn account, open a terminal and execute the following listed Linux commands to obtain information for your lab-logbook''' (lab1). If you get a Permission Denied message when trying to execute a command, then switch to the '''superuser''' account by running the command '''su -''' and type in your password for "root" (since you are the main administrator for your Fedora system). Once the intended command is executed, type "exit" to exit from the superuser account and return to your regular Learn account.
In some documentation, you may see the command <code>su -</code> used in place of <code>su</code>. The dash argument causes <code>su</code> to go through the steps that would normally be performed when the root user logs in, including (1) running the startup scripts (such as<code>/etc/profile</code> and <code>/root/.bash_profile</code> and (2) changing to the root user's home directory (<code>/root</code>).
Note that the root user's home directory (<code>/root</code>) is ''not'' the same as the root directory of the system (<code>/</code>). It is also in a different directory than the rest of the home directories, which are typically in <code>/home</code> -- the reason for this is that <code>/home</code>is sometimes on a network filesystem shared by another server (as is the case on Matrix), and it's important that the system administrator be able to log in to the system even if the network is not operating normally.
Navigate through your Graphical Fedora system, '''locate and run a terminal program (in order to issue Linux commands). Issue and record the commands used and the output generated in each of the following steps:'''
# The name of the installation log file is <code>/root/install.log</code> -- It is an ASCII file (how can you be sure?) and which can be viewed with the <code>less</code> command.
# You can make use of this file to determine how many packages have been installed: complete the following command to count the number of packages listed in the installation log file:
:: <code>grep ________________ /root/install.log | wc -l</code>
{{Admon/tip |Updating Fedora|The Fedora 16 software is updated frequently to add features, fix bugs, and upgrade security. '''Perform a system update to get the latest versions of the packages installed in Fedora: Start the Firefox web browser, turn off popup window blocking (select ''Edit>Preferences'', then select the Content tab and uncheck the box to Block Popups), then login to SeneNET. Open a terminal and type <code>su</code> to start a shell as root. Enter the command <code>yum update</code> ''' This will download and install all of the packages that have been updated since the installation DVD image was created. If you complete this command at Seneca it should run quite fast as Seneca College hosts a Fedora Repository mirror (a copy of all of the current fedora packages, on a local web server).}}
'''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
#* '''The IP address''' (logical address) assigned by the DHCP server
#* '''The default route''' (gateway)
#* '''The DNS nameserver'''
'''Answer the Investigation 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''