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Latest revision as of 23:26, 8 January 2012

The course schedule, labs, and links are subject to change.
Check with your professor for details and changes specific to your section.
-Lab submissions-

Paul Whalen: Should be sent with the subject line OPS335X_labY. Replace X with your section number and Y represents the lab #.

Ryan Lockhart: Should be sent with the subject line OPS335_lab#. Replace # with the lab number.
Week Objectives and Tasks Assigned Reading Labs / Exercises
Week 1

September 5-9

Introduction to OPS335

  • outline, policies, assignments, labs, midterm test, quizzes, exam, email
  • Fedora Project Overview
Lab 0
  • Fedora Installation
Week 2

September 12-16

Basic Networking

  • ifconfig, aliasing, route, iptables, ping, configuring a gateway, ip forwarding, masquerading, interface aliasing
  • Chapter 14 - TCP/IP Networking
Lab 1
  • Configuring a Gateway
Week 3

September 19-23

Packet Filtering

  • iptables
Lab 2
  • Packet Filtering
Week 4

September 26-30


  • nslookup, dig, host, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/named.conf
  • Chapter 17 - DNS: The Domain Name System

Lab 3

  • DNS Setup
Week 5

October 3-7


  • postfix, smtp, imap, pop, mailx
  • Assignment #1 handed out
  • Chapter 20 - Electronic Mail
Lab 4
  • Postfix Mail Configuration
Week 6

October 10-14

Web Servers

  • apache installation and configuration
  • Quiz #1 & Review

  • Chapter 23 - Web Hosting
Lab 5
  • Apache Install/Config
Week 7

October 17-21

  • Midterm Test
  • Assignment #1 due
  • Assignment #1 Due
Study Week
Week 8

October 31-November 4

FTP Server

Lab 6
  • VSFTP Server Setup
Week 9

November 7-11

NFS with Automount

  • exportfs, showmount, /etc/exports,autofs, auto.master
  • Chapter 18 - The Network File System
Lab 7
  • NFS Setup
Week 10

November 14-18


  • ypserv, ypbind, ypcat
  • Chapter 19 - Sharing System Files
Lab 8
  • NIS Configuration
Week 11

November 21-15


  • smbclient, smbmount (mount -t cifs), smbpasswd, smb.conf
  • Chapter 30 - Cooperating with Windows
Lab 9
  • Samba Servers and Clients
Week 12

November 28-December 2


  • tar, cpio, dump/restore, wget, netcat, ssh, scp, rsync, cron, at
  • Chapter 10 - Backups
Lab 10
  • Automating Backups
Week 13

December 5-9

  • Quiz #2 & Review
  • Assignment #2 due

  • Assignment #2
  • Outstanding Labs
Exam Week

OPS335 Resources