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= Intro =
:*OPS235 is due for another update, to Fedora 16 + current practices. This page is a scratchpad for recording proposed changes for implementation in Winter 2012.
= Course Structure =
:*Brian has proposed a number of changes to the course structure. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, Mercury is down so I can't check them, but IIRC::*Murray has added comments in the "discussion section" with feedback and suggestions from Chris. Murray will tend to add comments (date/timestamp) at bottom of discussion page..
== Tests ==
:*Drop written test #2. OK by Murray.
== Assignments ==
:*Use one larger assignment. <span style="color:blue;fontMurray likes two stages with related assignments (as opposed to two SEPARATE assignments - reduces marking -weight:bold;">(See Murray's Comments in discussion arealess complex)</span>
== Labs ==
:*Drop lab #1. <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;">Murray likes lab1, but he sees that it (See Murray's Comments or parts of it) may fit better in discussion areaa later lab (like lab #5)</span>.
= Course Content =
== Anaconda Changes ==
:*The Anaconda UI has changed, especially for storage configuration.
== SysVInit -> Systemd ==
* Discuss:
** Bind mounts (ugly mount table)
msaul:''' Which lab would SysVInit -> Systemd affect?
== ext4 ==
:*Use ext4 as the standard filesystem. Add some discussion of btrfs.
== Interface Names ==
:*Interfaces are now named according to BIOS/EFI device labels. This is important for server-class systems which are rackmounted. In the past, "eth0", "eth1", "eth2" were hard to line up with back-panel connectors; now, if the BIOS/EFI says that the ports are labelled "network-A", "network-B", and "network-C", that's what the interface names are. If there are no names in the BIOS/EFI, embedded ports come up as emX and PCI ports come up as pXpN (PCI slot X port N).
== Loopback Mount Option ==
:*No longer required -- loopback is assumed if the mount source is not a block device.
== netstat ==
:*Command is obsolete according to the documentation. Change coverage to the 'ip' command.
== git ==
:*Add coverage of the ''git'' version-control system. msaul: '''would this be placed in lab5?''' == sudo and the 'wheel' group == :*The 'wheel' (admin) group is enabled by default in F15+, and Anaconda provides a checkbox to add users to this group. Users in this group can execute commands as root using their regular account and password. :*We should teach the use of sudo alongside su.
= Course Page Layout =
== Refactor Web Pages ==
Students are doing the labs without, in some cases, really understanding what they're supposed to be understanding from the lab. Proposed structure: