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Team Excellence - oop344 20113

1,785 bytes added, 01:18, 21 December 2011
R0.6 Task Assignments
* due right after study break
Group work: XX50% (25 <= xx 50 <= 50) Individual work: XX50% + (50 <= xx 50 <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo id: rep113_1
|[[User:jsingh180|Jitender]]|| Dhanda || C ||[ jsingh180]||[[Special:Contributions/jsingh180|jsingh180]]||jay||[ Jitenders' blog]
|[[User:pshimko|Pavel]]|| Shimko || C ||[ pshimko]||[[Special:Contributions/pshimko|pshimko]]||pshimko||[ Pavel's blog]
== Trunk Status ==
* committed ByCommitted
*: id: [ capilkey]
*: name: Chad Pilkey
*: irc nick: cap6
*: any other infocommitting for R0.3
== Tasks ==
=== R0.6 Task Assignments ===
'''CText Edit:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Assigned To: Chad Pilkey
Status: Finished
Problem: None
'''CCheckList Edit:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Assigned To: Pavel Shimko
Status: Complete
Problem: None
'''CMenu Edit:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Assigned To: Dzmitry Kavalchyk
Status: Completed
Problem: Done
'''CText/CCheckList Other Functions:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Assigned To: Sandip PAtel
Status: Completed Successfully
Problem: All problems are solved
'''CMenu/MNode Other Functions:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Assigned To:Jitender dhanda
Status: completed Successfully
Problem: None
=== R0.3 Task Assignments ===
'''Jitender Dhanda:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Task: CValEdit
Status: Complete
Problem: None
'''Chad Pilkey:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Task: CCheck
Status: Complete
Problem: None
'''Dzmitry Kavalchyk:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Task: CButton
Status: Complete
Problem: None
'''Sandip Patel:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Task: CEditLine
Status: Complete
Problem: None
'''Pavel Shimko:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Task: CMenuItem
Status: Complete
Problem: None
=== Add console2.0 functions ===
* Add the chosen display() and edit() functions to the trunk
=== R0.2 Task Assignments ===
 * '''If you have any concern regarding Task Assignments then let me know or arrange meeting on IRC''' 
Clabel(Const Char *Str, Int Row, Int Col, Int Len = 0);
Clabel(Int Row, Int Col, Int Len);
~Clabel(); //Complete
void Draw(Int Fn=C_no_frame) ;
int Edit(); //Complete, but not sure about one small detail bool Editable()Const; //Complete
void Set(Const Void* Str); /* Jitender */
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
// All are completed and in capilkey/03-CDialog functions if you need them
CDialog(CFrame *Container = (CFrame*)0, int Row = -1, int Col = -1,
int Width = -1, int Height = -1, bool Borderd = false,