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Sirious - OOP344 20113

1,314 bytes added, 23:47, 18 December 2011
* due right after study break
Group work: XX50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX50% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo id:
=== CField ===
* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions
* Being done Done by: Yong Seung Lee, Min Wok Kim* Status - Coding in Progress, IncompleteComplete
=== CLabel ===
* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions
* Being done Done by: Ivan EduardoSalazar* Status - Coding in Progress, IncompleteComplete
=== CDialog ===
* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions
* Being done Done by: Ammar Alwahab, Darren Butcher* Status - Complete=== CLineEdit ===HELP NEEDED (issue closed): ClIneEdit complete, compiles and run, howvere there is a logic error: Cannot edit the fields. Problem may exist in console.edit().Will try to fix this later. Im off for a while to a job interview.* Done by: Darren Butcher* Status - Code completed BUT logic error.* Status Update - COMPLETE. === CButton ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Min Wok Kim* Status - Complete === CCheckMark ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Ammar Alwahab* Status - Complete === CMenuItem ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Yong Seung Le* Status - Complete === CValEdit ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Ivan Salazar * Status - Complete === CMenu ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Yong Seung Le (Mockups & initial code setup Part 1) and Darren Butcher (Coding in Progress, IncompleteRevision and clean up Part 2), last bug fixes by Ivan Salazar* Status - Complete === CText ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Ivan Salazar (Implementation) and Ammar Alwahab (Mockups)* Status - Complete === CChecklist ===* Task description: Complete the mockups and code the functions* Done by: Ivan Salazar * Status - Complete
== Meetings ==

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