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The Scriveners - OOP344 20113

1,062 bytes added, 12:13, 17 December 2011
==<span style="color:#FF0000">TEAM COMMUNICATION SECTION</span>==
'''DEC 10''' R0.6 Project is finish. CText,CMenu,CChecklist are tagged. Good work everyone.
'''DEC 8''' CMenu is done. I got it works as the test Fardad gave us. Please run some tests to see if there any bugs. It is still under my branch qtdang1/cmenu.06
'''DEC 8''' morning time: CText basically done, just needs DEL logic (which should be same as backspace) and ESCAPE(which should be easy(??) Will tag and merge to trunk once CMenu is complete<br />
DEC 2:Was a problem in CDialog::add, no guard against adding too many fields. Added guard.
CText now compiles and runs, but the CText::edit method is missing a lot of functionality (ENTER should add a new line and exit from console::edit ?
Pressing up and down should change _loffset, Pressing right and left and changing the offset should exit from console.edit())
merge text.cpp text.h ctext.cpp ctext.h and Test8.cpp from branches/dkgurr/CText
<br /><br />
NOV 17: Need to change C_MAX_NUMBER_OF_FIELD in cuigh.h from 100 to 1000(could be less but I didnt bother :))
====David Gurr====
*Assigned: help with ctext / cmenu
*Expected completion: Dec. 3 (ctext)
* Dec. 5 (cmenu)
====Prasanth V====
*Assigned: help with ctext/cmenu
*Work on CMenu
*working on cchecklist
* expected completion Dec 4
====Heonyee An====
* Assigned : cchecklist
* Due: Dec 4
* Branch: han6\R0.6
===R0.3 - (Due Nov 18)===
====Heonyee An====
* Assigned : ccheckmark
* Due: November nov 18
* Branch: han6\R0.3
* problem :
1. when i checked radio-button, cursor goes up to the Check box automatically...
2. i have a same problem in Test6Check.cpp like Ryan.... (BOTH RESOLVED)
* Working on CCHECKLIST.
* Working on CMenuitem
* (due by Nov 18, in branch qtdang1/cmenu, current stage: R0.3)