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Popcorn slideshow player

1,467 bytes added, 16:56, 11 December 2011
About the Player
The player itself is just a modified version of the vimeo player for popcorn and essentially works the same way. When invoked from an HTML file, the javascript file needs to be passed a URL file that points to the slideshow. The player will then embed the slideshow to the HTML file while adding popcorn events to the slideshow much like the other players. The key difference in this case, is that being a slideshow, the passage of time will not trigger the popcorn event but going through each slide (ie: in a video player at a minute and a half into playing the video a popcorn event gets triggered, in the slideshow player, hitting slide 20 will trigger the popcorn event.)
The application runs in two parts (although at the time of writing there is still a number of components that need to be figured out)
The first part handles the loading and embedding of the slideshow player. This is done by setting parameters and calling swfobject which is a tool that embeds flash objects into web pages.
'''*Important:''' In the slideshare webpage there is documentation on how to invoke the swfobject in order to embed the slideshow, popcorn works slightly differently from this in that it requires a few more parameters to be set.
To embed the slideshow player the following code is used:
function makeSwf( self, slideId, containerId ) {
if ( !window.swfobject ) {
setTimeout( function() {
makeSwf( self, slideId, containerId );
}, 1);
var params,
attributes = {};
flashvars = {
doc : slideId,
show_portrait: 1,
show_byline: 1,
show_title: 1,
js_api: 1,
js_onLoad: 'Popcorn.slideshow.onLoad',
js_swf_id: containerId
params = {
allowscriptaccess: 'always',
allowfullscreen: 'true',
wmode: 'transparent'
swfobject.embedSWF( "", containerId, self.offsetWidth, self.offsetHeight, "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes );
== Project Plan & Description ==

Navigation menu