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GAM666/DPS901 Victorious Secret

1,975 bytes added, 23:13, 5 December 2011
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A team created solely on pure awesome? Say it ain't so!
= Game Name Goes here Bang! =
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* Questions regarding the state of the controller when polled (vvtran)
** How do I allow for use of the "hat" buttons (Up down left right buttons on a controller)?** How can I detect to see if Z-Axis or the right thumbstick exists instead of using a checkbox to do so?** <s>I notice that the Controller is pretty much set up in the engine, however it seems to only be able to poll if something is getting pressed. Is there a way to poll for when the button is released? If so how can I do this? I would like for this to work because of the cannon's "charge up" when the player tries to fire something. </s>*** I realized that by using pressed(vvtranBUTTON_1)it returns a boolean, so I can figure out if it's down or up if it's true or false. Since I already have a counter that is counting how much power is going into the shot, I'm reusing that as a check to see if the button had been pressed.** <s>From my understanding of the engine, what's implemented for the controllers should be enough as it is. Would I need to create a seperate Joystick class like it's done in the notes? If I want to do the controller button up/released, is this what is required to do so?</s>** * Not doing this, unless it's required for vibration... I'll deal with this later in the semester** <s>Axis of the controller also don't seem to be implemented either. Or at least I can't seem to pinpoint where. I just see that axis are detected and setup, but I can't seem to find where to actually call up their status and see if they're being changed. ... although somehow the camera rotates when I use them...</s>*** Figured it out. I also had to include a "dead-zone," which means that the user has to push the analog a certain amount before it does anything. Really it's just restricting a range greater than 50 and -50. Having no dead zone makes it a tad too sensitive, so that even moving in various directions it would register.**** <s>Because we're using the right thumbstick for control, we need to figure out how to always include the right thumbstick instead of having to check off the box in the dialogue box.</s> Probably the best behavior for this would be to check to see if a Z-axis exists in code, if it does, use it, if it doesn't, default to the left thumbstick's up and down.**** For future reference: ***** GT_CT_POSX = Left Thumbstick, Left/Right***** GT_CT_POSY = Left Thumbstick, Up/Down***** GT_CT_DSPZ = Right Thumbstick, Left/Right***** GT_CT_ROTZ = Right Thumbstick, Up/Down
=== GUI Elements ===
<s>==== Menu ====
The In-Game Menu will allow the user to start a new game, quit, or resume game.</s>
==== Heads Up Display ====
The power meter will be positioned on the bottom left of the screen. When the player presses the launch button, the power bar will start to grow until the player lets go of the button or it reaches it's maximum. This will give the player an idea of how much power they're using, aiding them in hitting the targets.
<s>===== Targeting Aid =====
Time permitting, there will be a dotted line extending outwards from the launcher that will aid the player when aiming. It will be a straight line that represents roughly where the block will go, but not where it will land.</s>
=== Audio ===
::Where to set the specific speed based on the distance (Such that the cycle finishes at the same time the projectile hits the target)?
::Should the transformation matrix be set in the update() function in Design.cpp?
:: Should we store this distance somewhere in Desing.cpp? <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>  * Forgot to point this out the other day, but I found that in the engine currently, the input controls for the cameras reside within the Camera class. I don't think we need any of it unless we resort to a manual controlled camera. (vvtran) ** It may be best to comment them out as they can conflict with what's in Design.cpp (I know the controller inputs definitely conflict here)  <br/>
== Map of the World of the Game ==
Page sections don't require numbering on a wiki '''√'''
== Undiscussed issues ==
* nothing on repo yet ''''''
* is the in game menu separate from the configuration dialog
** do you intend to use splash screens'''√'''* controls'''√'''** you should have enough time to incorporate the analog stick'''√'''* heads up display'''√'''** use a texture and scale it'''√'''* lighting'''√'''** add emissive component to light - simple'''√'''** simple to attach a light to an object'''√'''
* other notes
** many projectiles
== Discussed ==
* change the repo id to a link'''√'''
* shouldn't need extra physics help for this - could be kept quite simple
* other notes
** use many triangles for terrain to improve lighting effects'''√'''** any model input - writing the interface could take some work
* cameras
** simple to attach a camera to an object'''√'''
** consider adding camera to each projectiles
= Any other thing you find necessary =