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How to Collaborate On-line

3,204 bytes added, 19:53, 20 November 2011
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<li>Go to the Ardour Download site: []</li>
<li>Go to the section labelled: '''Public read-only SVN access'''</li>
<li>'''Open a shell terminal window''', and login as root or super-user (eg. '''sudo su''' )</li> <li>'''Switch to the Ardour Download site''', copy and paste the command (listed in the Public read-only SVN access sectionunder '''tools''' and '''look for file called''') into your shell window:<br /><br />'''svn co''' <br /><br />(It is recommended to use the command stated on the site, since the version may change over time...)</li>
<li>After the above executed command is completed, there will be a subdirectory created in your current directory<br />(In this case called '''2.0-ongoing''').</li>
<li>Change into the '''2.0-ongoing''' subdirectory, and change to the other subdirectory called '''tools'''.[[Image:session-ex1.png|thumb|250px|right ]]</li>
<li>Next you need to add another user or users in order to help collaborate or work on your song.[[Image:session-ex5.png|thumb|150px|right ]]</li>
<li>In the ''Session Exchange application window'', click the '''edit''' menu, and then select '''Add Collaborator'''.</li>
<li>In the Add Collaborator dialog box, '''create a username''', and then '''enter the IP address for that user's computer system'''.<br /><br />In order to obtain the IP address for a computer system, you can open a shell terminal window and issue the command: '''ifconfig'''<br />(look for the value labelled '''inet addr''').<br /><br />('''Note: ''' accept the default port number)... You can create other users for sharing as well...<br /><br />'''Also note:''' If your computer is connected via a router, you can configure your router to "route" the port number to a specific IP address to your networked machine. Your router's user manual should provide information how to do this. This is NOT a very complicated operation, and is usually located under "Advanced Settings"...<br /><br /></li>
<li>When you have entered the required information, click '''OK'''.
<li>'''Determine which type of computer system''' you have (32-bit or 64-bit)<br /><br /> </li>
<li>'''Download the zipped filecalled''' for both 32(just right click that file link and save-bit and 64 bit wineasio from the following link: [ [ zip] ]<br /><br />Note: You will need to create an account for Ubuntu, but don't worry, it is on your system). Here is the link to registerthat contains that file link: [ [ ?p=7792433 html] ]<br /><br /></li>
<li>'''Open a File Browser, go to the Downloads directory, and double-click on the downloaded file:'''. You should see a version of wineasio for 32-bit and 64-bit architecture...<br /><br /></li>
<li>'''Point and double-click on the appropriate file''' for your computer system's architecture, and '''follow the instructions in the deb installation window'''.<br /><br /></li>
<li>'''ATTENTION: This is very important!''' You need to '''register WINEASIO''' to run in wine. '''DO NOT BE LOGGED IN AS SUPERUSER WHEN RUNNING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND!''' Instead as a regular (unpriviledged) user, issue the following command:<br /><br /> '''regsvr32 wineasio.dll''' (even if you have a 64-bit computer system!)<br /><br /></li>
<li>The wineasio driver should be properly installed...</li>
[[Image:ninjam1.png|thumb|150px|right ]]
<li>'''Start the Jack Audio server'''. If you are not certain how to do this, refer to one of my other tutorials: [ [[Quick & Simple - Setting up Jack Server and Q-synth]] ]</li> <li>'''Open a shell terminal window''', and use wine to start the Ninjam client. Your situation will be different than the following example, but let's assume that Ninjam client has been copied over to my home directory, and my home directory pathname is /home/msaul. Under that assumption, the command to startup the Ninjam client would be:<br /><br />'''wine /home/msaul/NINJAM/ninjam.exe'''<br /><br /></li> <li>When the Ninjam Client application window appears, click on the '''Options''' menu, then click '''Audio Configuration'''.[[Image:ninjam5.png|thumb|200px|right ]]</li> <li>The NINJAM audio I/O configuration dialog box will appear.</li> <li>Set the Input/Output System to '''ASIO'''.</li> <li>If all is well, you should see the '''ASIO Driver display Wine ASIO Driver''', and the Input Range and Output Range values should appear in the text boxes...</li> <li>You can now click on the '''ASIO Configuration''' button to display the Jack Audio Connection dialog box.<br /><br />You will not see anything until you actually connect to a Ninjam session, then the NINJAM SESSION will appear in the connections dialog box...</li> <li>'''Switch back to the NINJAM audio I/O configuration dialog box''', click '''OK''' to exit ...</li> <li>'''Switch to the Ninjam Client window'''.</li> <li>Click on the '''file''' menu, then select '''Connect'''.<table align="right"> <tr> <td>[[Image:ninjam2.png|thumb|300px|right ]]</td> <td>[[Image:ninjam3.png|thumb|300px|right ]]</td> </tr></table></li> <li>The NINJAM Connection Configuration dialog box will appear.</li> <li>Enter a host number to connect (preferably '''''' or '''''') for testing purposes.</li> <li>Click the Connect button, and click the '''"I agree"''' checkbox in the NINJAM Server License Agreement, and then click the '''Accept''' button.</li> <li>'''Switch to the Jack Connections dialog box'''. Select the '''ALSA''' tab, and connect the device (In my situation, '''Tascam US-122''') to '''Bristol (B3) Organ'''.</li> <li>Then select the '''AUDIO''' tab. You should now see '''ASIO_NINJAM'''. Make the necessary connections. You should now be able to perform in the session...</li>
To be completed...
'''NOTE:''' When you are performing, you are creating on ogg file of your performance, which is saved on your computer! This is useful, since '''you may want to test to see if you are recording in the session''', although there may not be other members present. You can always listen to the recording afterwards to confirm you are being heard. '''WARNING: Due to the latency of connections, you need to be patient and listen to the ENTIRE recording, before assuming that you did not record!''' FYI...
==Running Ninjam Client with Jack ==
You can view (or change) the default location of the saved files. To be completedview or set the default recorded session location, click on the '''options''' menu, then select '''Preferences'''...
[ Ninjam Website] (Downloads, servers, Forums)
[] (Ninjam Farm - open test servers - Please use last 2 for open access...)