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BTP300 Project Requirements 20113

3,263 bytes removed, 15:25, 9 November 2011
Due Dates
|Assignment 2 - Field Classes
|October 28November 3
|Assignment 3 - More Field Classes
|November 1830
|Assignment 4 - Application
== Stage 2 ==
* [ Field Frame Classes] - Coded and Submitted as a Group
Before starting the coding for stage 2, read [[Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects]] and do the following:# Update your team's wiki page with your team's repository path information under '''Repo Path'''# Add assignment 1 to the trunk of your team's repositoryas follows
## Checkout your team's empty repository to a new directory on a local computer
## Create the branches, tags, and trunk subdirectoriesunder this new directory## Under the branches subdirectory create a sub-subdirectory for each team memberusing their seneca id## Under the sub-subdirectory for one of the team leader's branch members create a new sub-sub-subdirectory named '''assignment_1'''##* You can do this manually or by creating a new Visual Studio solution named '''assignment_1''' under the team member's sub-sub-directory## Copy the source files for assignment 1 into this directory, compile it and run it. Once it runs successfully, you are ready to add it to the repository server## Move up to the head of the repository directory and add this the new directory structure along with the source code for the assignment by right clicking on '''...SVN/Add'''and checking the folders and files to be added## Commit the directory structure to the repository server by right clicking on '''SVN Commit'''. Add the comment "Created Directory Structure"## Add and added assignment 1 to the branches sub-directory, compile it, and run it. If the assignment runs successfully add it and commit it to the repository"
## Branch the committed assignment to '''trunk'''
## Your The repository is now ready for each team members can now member to start working on their own version of the code in their own workworkspace## Checkout the repository to your own local computer## Branch trunk to your own workspace## Checkout your workspace## Work within your own workspace## Commit your code at the end of each session##* Make sure to add descriptive comments to each commit##* Uncommented commits will not be marked or reviewedIf your team is using Visual Studio as its development platform, mark the '''.sln''', the '''.vcxproj''', the '''.vcxproj.filters''', and the source files as versioned, but not the binaries or executables.
<!--## Create an Visual Studio Project named '''assignment_1''' in '''trunk'''Your Each team members member should checkout your team's empty repository,add have their own successfully compiled version of the branches, tags, and trunk directoriesand create the initial code [[]]# Create a directory with your seneca id assignment 1 in their own workspace under the branch sub-directory of your their team's repository. This will be your home directory for development. For details see ==== Directory Structure ====<big><pre>|-- Team_Repository_Account +--branches | +-- member-id1 <-- this is a team member's home within branches | +-- Task1 | +-- Task2 | +-- member-id2 <-- this is a team member's home within branches | +-- Task1 | +-- Task2 | +-- Task3 | +-- member-id3 <-- this is a team member's home within branches | +-- Task1 +--tags | +-- R0.1 | +-- R0.11 | +-- R0.2 | +-- R0.21 | +-- ... | +-- R0.3 | +-- R0.31 | +-- ... | +-- R1.0 | +-- R1.1 +--trunk</pre></big>
===== branches =====* '''branches''' is the common directory for all team members' workspaces. * Each team member should create their own home directory or '''workspace''' (member-id1, member-id2,.Branch submission path: svn://zenit.senecac.) for their own development tasks within '''branches'''. * Each team member should divide their workspace into several sub-directories (workspaces) during the development of the project. These workspaces(Task1, Task2, ...) are usually copies of the '''trunk''' to be worked on.*: ''These sub-directories(Task1, Task2,...) are called branches of trunk. When the word '''branch''' is used as a verb, it means copying the whole '''trunk''' into a sub-directory, either in '''ca/btp300_113_?/branches''' or '''tags'''./SenecaID/assignment1
===== tags =====* '''tags''' is Each team member should add their name to the directory that holds '''copies''' header comments of successful stages of '''trunkthe ''' throughout developmentconsoleplus. (h''Also called as 'and ''Milestones'consolelineedit.cpp'''')files as follows:* '''tags''' are never modified or edited. ''You may branch a directory of tag into branches under a workspace and then modify # Edit the branch and apply the changes back source code to trunk, but you should never change the contents of a tag''include your name* The action of '''branch# Go to '''ing the trunk into '''tags# Merge your modified source files with ''' is often referred to as a trunk'''release'''.* We use the ..SVN/Merge'''tags''' directory # Go to submit the work for marking. ''Your instructor will specify project page and change the requirements of a release.** A release is usually tagged repo status to "being committed by a version number like: R0.1, Prj0.2, As1_1.0 your name"** When a release is due, your instructor will always mark # Commit to the repository with the latest version of that release. comment "name added"**: ''If R0.3 is due, # Go back to the project page and R0.3, R0.31, R0.32 are present in '''tags''', then change the repo status to "committed by your instructor will mark R0.32name"
===== trunk =====* '''trunk''' is the directory that holds the project in its current stage, '''complied and run-able'''* '''trunk''' should never hold non-compiled code. Usually trunk is an exact copy (or better than) the latest version in '''tags'''.* Since only one project is within the repository, trunk has no project level sub-directory and is the root of the project. --><!--# One of your team members should export svn:// into the trunk of your team's repository#: For detailed steps see [[Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects#Start_the_project_by_continuing_an_existing_work | Start the project by continuing an existing work]] Each team member should have their own successfully compiled version of the assignment 1 in their own workspace in the branch sub-directory of their team's repository.Branch submission path: svn:// : ''Start doing the above by branching the Framework into svn:// See here for help: [ Preparing Branches/workspace for development]''  The source code for the upgraded sample should include the following updates:* your own name in the caption for the dialog box* your team name in the window title  Merge all of the team members' Framework workspaces back to trunk so that the caption of the dialog box shows all of the names of the team members. See [ Merging your work back to trunk] for details  The purpose of this first phase of the project is twofold:* to define your game in both scope and detail and thereby to give your instructor some idea of your design, so that your instructor can give you some feedback whether what you intend is too simple, too complex, or about right* to show your instructor that you are ready to work with your own branch of your team's repository and ready to start modifying the framework to suit your team's design. Your team should decide its own group to individual ratio for grading purposes and post the agreed ratio on its project page. Your team should arrange a time and date to meet with your instructor to review your proposal and to identify the different responsibilities of the team members. This meeting should take place during week 6 of the semester.-->
== Stage 3 ==