Team LoL
,→Thesis Statement
* User reviews on amazon.com and other web 2.0 websites
* Does social validation solely reside on the internet or does it take place in real life as well.
Pauline Dakin , "Monitor Facebook use by teens "
[http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/03/28/facebook-social-media-teens-children.html link]
* Health risks from social media * Facebook Depression * Harassment Nic Cove, How Teens Use Media [http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/reports/nielsen_howteensusemedia_june09.pdf link] Melissa McNamara, Teens Are Wired ... And, Yes, It's OK [http://www.cbccbsnews.ca/newscom/healthstories/story2006/201106/0309/28gentech/facebook-social-media-teens-childrenmain1698246.html shtml link]
* Effects of social media on teens
* Ephebiphobia is the irrational fear of youth