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341 bytes added, 22:36, 30 October 2011
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== About Me ==
I'm a Seneca College Student in the Bachelors of Technology - Software Development Program. I have started contributing in the open source program recently and had worked with various small project. I started blogging about my open source experience [ /category/open-source/ Steven Tseng] (friends usually call me Steven).
== Projects ==
=== BTH740 - Human Factors in Computing ===* [[BTH740 | BTH740 Wiki]] - BTH740 Home Wiki* [[Team Armour]] - Research Paper on Human Computer Interaction (work-in-progress) === DPS909 - Topics in Open Source Development ===* [[User:Cwtseng/FSOSS 2011 | FSOSS 2011 Paper]]- Fall 2011 research paper on the 10<sup>th</sup> Annual FSOSS 2011 held in Seneca College