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(OOP344 Student List for fall of 2011)
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|[[User:mzainuddin | Mohammad]]||Zainuddin|| ||A||[mailto:mzainuddin@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 mzainuddin]||[[Special:Contributions/mzainuddin | mzainuddin]]||zain1291||[ http://www.zain1291.blogspot.com/ Zain's Blog ]
|[[User:mzainuddin | Mohammad]]||Zainuddin|| ||A||[mailto:mzainuddin@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 mzainuddin]||[[Special:Contributions/mzainuddin | mzainuddin]]||zain1291||[http://www.zain1291.blogspot.com/ Zain's Blog ]

Revision as of 01:56, 11 September 2011

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for fall of 2011

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; irc.freenode.net server.
  • You have a blog for OOP344 either by filtering your posts or a dedicated blog.

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in oop344, fall of 2011).

|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]]||SEC||[mailto:LID@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN | WUN]]||IN||[ Blog | BN ]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team Page Name on wiki
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SEC: Your OOP344 Section (example: A, B or C)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • BURL: Your Blog URL
  • BN: Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

OOP344 - Fall of 2011 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Natesh Mayuranathan B nmayuranathan Nmayuranathan Tesh_ Natesh's Blog
Pavel Shimko TN A pshimko pshimko pshimko Pavel's Blog
Ronson Wan A rwan1 rwan1 Ronsonnn Ronson's Blog
Ivan Shibanov A idshibanov idshibanov idshibanov Ivan's Blog
Sandip Patel C smpatel7 smpatel smpatel7 Sandip's Blog
Clinton Bale while(false) C cfbale cfbale psupreme Clinton's Blog
Jesse Santos while(false) C jsantos13 jsantos13 jas1137 Jesse's Blog
Michael Afidchao B mdafidchao mdafidchao mdafidchao, KyperTrast Michael's Seneca Blog
Dzmitry Kavalchyk C dkavalchyk2 dkavalchyk2 RevenTL Dima's Blog
Jinghui Liu B jliu164 alf alfredL Alfred's Blog
Viacheslav Yakobson Unknown A vyakobson Vyakobson hexellent My Blog
Zhen Shao TN B zshao4 zshao4 zshao4 Zhen's programming blog
Prasanth Vaaheeswaran The Scriveners A pvaaheeswaran pvaaheeswaran vprasanth Master of None
Heonyee An The Scriveners A han6 han6 han6 Heonyee's Blog
SeZaR Gantous C sganouts sganouts NULLbyte The Blog
Ryan Dang The Scriveners A qtdang1 Qtdang1 TBA Ryan Dang's Blog
Pasquale Lupia A lpasquale1 lpasquale1 BriaN_90 Pasquale's Blog
Chen Zang B czang1 czang1 Johnson Chen's Blog
Dongxu Yu A dyu26 dyu26 Don_yu Don's Blog oop344
Mohammad Zainuddin A mzainuddin mzainuddin zain1291 Zain's Blog