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OPS335 DNS Lab

5 bytes added, 16:14, 5 September 2011
Perform these steps on your gateway/firewall/DNS machine
===Perform these steps on your gateway/firewall/DNS machine===
Start up your Fedora 13 PC, login as joker, open a terminal window and "su -" to root. This PC will be f13. It will be your gateway/firewall as well as the domain name server for your intranet.
Ensure you are connected to the Internet. Use firefox to authenticate yourself so you can surf the web outside of the Seneca domain.
Use yum to update your system if necessary.
yum update
*Start up your Fedora 13 PC, login as joker, open a terminal window and "su -" to root. This PC will be f13. It will be your gateway/firewall as well as the domain name server for your intranet.*Ensure you are connected to the Internet. Use firefox to authenticate yourself so you can surf the web outside of the Seneca domain.*Use yum to update your system if necessary. yum update*Use yum to install the DNS server.   yum install bind *Also start your ssh server.  service sshd start *Set your hostname to f13.  hostname f13 *Set your domainname to  domainname
Edit the file /etc/named.conf and enter the following: But use your own X value where applicable. If no file exists, create one. If one is already there, delete it and make a new one.

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