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Ireland sigul

241 bytes added, 14:53, 31 August 2011
Overview of Ireland
* Note if you are logging into Ireland via SSH be sure to enable X forwarding. SSH -XC
su <br />
Next in the virt-manager window, double click localhost. This will reveal two virtual machine's named SigulServer and SigulBridge respectively. Assuming the names are descriptive enough you can double click whichever system you need to work on to bring up the window which will display the VM's output. The file systems are encrypted, you will need to enter the correct pass phrase to login. Once booted you can login to the VM's as root.
*Note it is okay to leave the VM's running 24/7 so no need to shut them down.
Administrative commands for sigul, can be issued directly within the VM's or via ssh. Whichever method you prefer access can only be made through Ireland as the machines reside on the private lan, and are not World Accessible.
== Related Links ==
[ Sigul Instance Setup] <br />
[ CDOT Signing SOP]

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