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Weekly Schedule 20111 - OOP344

3,619 bytes added, 12:10, 2 May 2011
Undo revision 63772 by Fardad (Talk)
*Pointers, Arithmetic
*Arrays, (Multi-dimensional)
*BIO complex functions (continued)*Generic pointers (void pointers)*
=== To Do ===
* complete R0.1 if not done already
* re-evaluate your team (see who is in and who is not)
* complex bio function due on Wed Thu Feb 16th 17th 23:59
=== Resources ===
*: Addresses and pointer 28
*: Pointer arithmetic 29
* Helper image for bio_edit
<!--*: [[Image:Bio edit-parameters.jpg|thumb|320px|bio_edit]] -->
== Week 5 - Feb 6 ==
=== This Week ===
*Pointers to functions
*struct, enum, union
*variable argument list
*real syntax of main
=== To Do ===
* complex bio function due on Thu Feb 17th 23:59
=== Resources ===
*Practical Programming Techniques Using C++
*: pointer to functions page 35
*: Creating custom datatype names (typedef) page 41
*: struct, union, enum page 37
*: real syntax of main 58
*: variable argument list 61
== Week 6 - Feb 13 ==
=== This Week ===
* Friday class will be on IRC, server, #seneca-oop344 Channel from 9:30 to 11:30
* declaration modifiers
*: static, const, register....
* control flow,
* recursive algorithms
* moving to cpp
** default parameters
** namespaces
=== To Do ===
* complex bio function due on Thu Feb 17th 23:59
=== Resources ===
* [ File Copy Function] by [[user:asotoude]]
== Week 7 - Feb 20 ==
=== This Week ===
* Dynamic memory allocation review
* forward declaration
* linked lists
* R0.7 will be out
=== To Do ===
* Reorganize your teams
*: re-group if needed
*: layoff those who are inactive
* Add buffering to bio basic function from Fardad's code
=== Resources ===
== Week 8 - Feb 27 (Study break) ==
=== This Week ===
* R0.4 due end of the week
*: mock-up (hollow) classes and more
=== To Do ===
* Reorganize your teams
*: re-group if needed
*: layoff those who are inactive
=== Resources ===
== Week 9 - Mar 6 ==
=== This Week ===
* Project review
* Midterm test on Fri, March 11th
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 10 - Mar 13 ==
=== This week ===
* Streams
* binary operations
=== To Do ===
* R0.3 and R0.35 due
* Team Regrouping Email
* Write this function and blog about it
void SetBitPattern(unsigned int& V, const char* pattern, int startBitIndex);
SetBitPattern(I, "01101111", 4);
// Startingf from bit 4 it will set the bits of I to the incoming pattern
=== Resources ===
* [ Setting a Bit Pattern] by [[User:acook6|Alan]]
* [ Binary pattern replacement] by [[User:bapatel6|Bhrugesh]]
* [ SetBitPattern()] by [[User:asotoude|Ashkan]]
* Practical Programming Techniques using C++ - Bitwise operators page 46
== week 11 - Mar 20 ==
=== This week ===
* Binary file access
* Templates
=== To Do ===
* [[Console UI Core Classes - OOP344 20111#Tue_march_29_R4.0|Tue march 29 R4.0 is due]]
* Set up meeting with Fardad if you need help with any part of the R4.0 release
*: meeting can be: On IRC, Skype, Office
=== Resources ===
* Practical Programming Techniques using C++ - Binary file access page 77
* Practical Programming Techniques using C++ - Templates pages 85, 86
* Practical Programming Techniques using C++ - Inline Functions page 84
== Week 12 - Mar 27 ==
=== This week ===
* Test 2 - APRIL FOOLS!
* Multiple Inheritance
* Exception Handling
* Project review
=== To Do ===
* Study for test 2
* Complete R4.0
=== Resources ===
* Practical Programming Tech. Using C++
*: Multiple Inheritance Page 94
*: Exception Handling page 99
== Week 13 - Apr 3 ==
===This week===
* Casting and Runtime Type information
* Standard Templates
=== To Do ===
* Finalize IO classes and start working on the App
=== Resources ===
== Week 14 - Apr 10 ==
===This Week===
* Final exam April 18
===To Do===