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Team Zombie

267 bytes added, 14:09, 14 April 2011
|February 1, 2011
|Qing, Damien
|Porting framework (2010) to OpenGL 1.4. Added Wrangler Library (glew) to trunk and changed the render to 32.x
|February 3, 2011
|Qing, Damien
|Basic per pixel lighting is implementedto 2.x
|March 17, 2011
|March 19, 2011
|Qing, Damien
|Renders objects with textures properly(OpenGL3.3)
|March 24, 2011
|Damien, Qing
|Renders game level properly with working directional and point lights working properly(OpenGL3.3).
|March 29, 2011
|Damien, Qing
|Phyiscs Physics and collision from Hasan's team integrated into our code.|-|April 07, 2011|Damien, Qing|Octree implemented into the framework. Old code from previous semester was added|-|April 14, 2011|Damien, Qing|Working physics in our game. Cleaned code|-|<insert date here>|<insert contributor(s)>|<insert information>
|<insert date here>
== Proposal ==
For our group, we plan to convert all of the existing direct3d code into OpenGL 43.13. We will be using the GLSL shading language for fragments and vertex shaders. Also we will be adding new converting the lighting features feature such as per pixel lighting and shadows to the frameworkOpenGL. If we have time after doing the above we will also implement open audio.
We will be using our game from GAM666 for this course.

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