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Winter 2011 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

336 bytes added, 10:39, 12 April 2011
Release Dates, Presentations, and Quizzes
= Weeks 6 - 13 =
* Project work
= Release Dates, Presentations, and Quizzes =
* March 7 - '''Release 0.1'''
* March 15/17 - Pre-0.2 presentations
* March 24 - Written Quiz
* April 4 - '''Release 0.2'''
* April 5/7 - Pre-0.3 presentations
* April 11/13 (To Be Confirmed) - OCE Presentations
* April 14 - Practical Quiz
* April 22 - '''Release 0.3''' - DO NOT BE LATE!
<!-- = Week 8 =