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{{GAM670/DPS905 Index | 20111}}
{| border="1"
|TeamZombie|Tuesday January 18 April 12 8:00AM20AM
|Slap Your Grandma|Tuesday December 7 April 12 8:15AM50AM
|Team ZombieGuardian|Tuesday December 7 8April 12 9:30AM20AM
|Team GG
|Tuesday December 7 Thursday April 14 8:20AM|-|Team HSD|Thursday April 14 8:45AM50AM|-|Team Slap Your Grandma|Thursday April 14 9:20AM|-|}<br /> = Presentation Schedule ={| border="1"
|Cerebral ThoughtTeam Name|Tuesday December 7 9:00AMDate and Time
|Copy CatTeam Guardian - Hasan, JP|Thursday December Tuesday March 22 9 8:00AM
|Team Zombie - Damian, Qing|Thursday December March 24 8:00AM|-|Hic Sunt Dracones - David|Thursday March 24 9 8:15AM
|Double TapTeam GG - Brad|Thursday December 9 Tuesday March 29 8:30AM00AM
| Hic Sunt DraconesTeam GG - Randl|Thursday December 9 Tuesday March 29 8:45AM30AM
|SheetBrix RoboticsSlap Your Grandma - Dan, Andrei, Sasha|Thursday December 9 Tuesday March 29 9:00AM
|The 10th FloorHic Sunt Dracones - Daniel, Jon, Kaitlyn|Thursday December 9 9March 31 8:15AM00AM
<br />--> = Appointment Schedules =Initial Proposal
{| border="1"
|Date and Time
|Tuesday January 18 10:00AM
|Team GG
|Tuesday January 18 10:15AM
|Team Guardian
|Tuesday January 18 10:30AM
|Andrew Condinho
|Tuesday January 18 10:45AM
|Tuesday January 18 11:15AM
|Slap Your Grandma
|Tuesday January 18 1:30PM
Proposal Acceptance
{| border="1"
|Team Name
|Date and Time
|Team GG
|Tuesday February 1 10:00AM
|Tuesday February 1 10:15AM
|Andrei Kopytov
|Tuesday February 1 10:30AM
|Tuesday February 1 10:45AM
|Tuesday February 1 11:00AM
|Tuesday February 1 11:15AM
|Slap Your Grandma
|Tuesday February 1 1:30PM
Project Review
{| border="1"
|Team Name
|Date and Time
|Team GG
|Tuesday February 22 10:00AM
|Tuesday February 22 10:15AM
|Tuesday February 22 10:30AM
|Tuesday February 22 10:45AM
|Tuesday February 22 11:00AM
|Tuesday February 22 11:15AM
|Slap Your Grandma
|Tuesday February 22 1:30PM
|Proposal completed and members' roles selected
|January 31February 1
|Phase 1 completed2 draft and review
|February 22
|Phase 2 completed - Presentation
|March 22
|Phase 3 completed - Presentation
= Project Requirements =
Your game involves a real-time audio-visual-haptic experience in a 3-D world using advanced game programming techniques to improve the performance and the appealof your game. The user experiences should experience force feedback through some form of controller in response to certain common actions in your game. Each member must contribute their own feature to the game development in a selected area or areas of their choosingspecialization. Each member should also contribute to the integration of a separate, unrelated feature developed by another team.
== Phase 1 ==
The first phase is an informal, written proposal of the features that your team intends wishes to implementin its final game. Your description should identify the basic aspects of the these features as well as the refinements to those features that are needed to produce a comprehensive implementationimplement your game design. Your proposal should be documented Identifying the features and the required refinements will demand some research on your part. In the team project page case of DPS905 students, the research should be deep and the course wiki under '''Proposal'''. Your proposal description should identify the parts of theory behind the framework that you expect to modify in your implementationrequired refinements.
In developing your game, you may start with the code that you used in the previous course or you may start with the base code for this course. The base code for this course is an update version of the base code for the previous course. In any event, each member should use the updated base code to develop the feature that they have selected and present the results of their work using the updated base code. In other words, the update base code with the new features installed will serve as the source for other teams' access. Each team member should have their own successfully compiled version of the updated base code in their own workspace in the branch sub-directory of their team's repository. The source code for each team member's copy of the starting sample base code should include the following updates:
* add your own name to the caption for the dialog box
* change the window title to include the name of the team
Merge all of the team members' 15C workspaces back to trunk so that the caption of the dialog box shows all of the names of the team members. See [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Hints_for_Using_SVN_to_collaborate_on_school_projects#Merging_your_work_back_to_trunk Merging your work back to trunk] for detaildetails
The purpose of this first phase of the project is twofold:
* to define identify the features that your final game in both scope and detailwill include* to enable identify the features that each member of your instructor team will incorporate* to identify some of the details features that you will need your team is expecting to handle in implementing incorporate from the selected featureswork of other teams.
Your team should decide its own group to individual ratio for grading purposes and post the agreed ratio on its project page.
== Phase 3 ==
The third phase presents your completed game with your team's new features and two new features that members of other teams incorporateddeveloped. Your presentation includes * a demonstration of how the game plays along with * an explanation of the innovative aspects that your team members have implemented. * an evaluation of the features that your team incorporated, including criticisms and suggested enhancements Each team has no more than 20 30 minutes to showcase its game.
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= Some Suggested Upgrades Features that you could add to the Framework Updated Base Code = The base code serves as the common thread for sharing feature development amongst all members of the class. Our objective is to add as many of the features that students wish to see implemented in their own games as possible. We review this list at the start of the semester and you are welcome to expand detail or to add other features.