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Koji Setup Documentation

710 bytes added, 08:05, 5 April 2011
Project News
'''* 0.2 - Rough edit of the existing documentation on the Fedora wiki'''
For the second release of the project we will complete any outstanding components for the test build system and provide a rough edit of the existing setup documentationon the Fedora Wiki. We will gear the instructions towards a user who has little experience setting up koji servers.We are also planning to add a section for common issues and problems that one might run into during the process.
'''* 0.3 - Final edit of the Fedora wiki documentation'''
=== Upsteam Wiki and Web ===
[[:fedora:Koji|Fedora Koji documentation]]
[ Koji webpage]
[ Seneca Koji Documentation - Builders]
[ Seneca Koji Documentation - Certificates]
[ Seneca Koji Documentation - Database]
[ Seneca Koji Documentation - Koji Hub]
[ Koji Setup Notes]
=== Mailing Lists ===
[[User:Jykoh|Joshua Koh (IRC:DDDDDDD)]]
Paul Whalen
==== Non-Seneca Participants ====
== Project News ==
'''February 2April 05, 2011''' - Spoke with Dennis Gilmore, Chris Tyler and Paul Whalen at Fudcon 2011 regarding the current state of the existing documentation
- Currently making plans to setup Completed the walk through of setting up a test Koji server following the steps outlined in the existing documentationBuild System
'''January 28, 2011'''- Currently have a full [ Koji Build System] up and running on Ireland.
- Currently reviewing Did a rough edit of the HowTo documentation on the [ wiki/ServerHowTo Fedora Wiki]