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Team F Coders - OOP344 20111

454 bytes added, 17:35, 29 March 2011
Team Members
* due right after study break
Group work: XX30% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX70% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo id: oop344_111rep3
*: name: Ashkan Sotoudeh
*: irc nick: asotoude
*: info: Muhammed was having errors, asked me Committed my tasks for R0.2 to commit on his behalf, everything fixed.trunk
== Team Members ==
|[[ | Muhammad]]||Iqbal||OOP344B||[ miqbal5]||[[Special:Contributions/ |]]||Muhammad_Iqbal||[ Muhammad]
|[[User:edavlatian|Edouard]]||Davlatian||OOP344A||[ edavlatian]||[[Special:Contributions/edavlatian|edavlatian]]||edavlatian||[ Edouard's Blog ]
=== Ashkan ===
* Task: int bio_flag(); TAB, (F1 to F12, ENTER, UP, DOWN, PGUP, PGDN)
** Added Memory Allocation / De-Allocation** Added Initial bio_edit() values* Task Status: In ProgressCompleted
 === Muhammed Muhammad ===
* Task: void bio_displayMenuItem(); | INSERT_KEY
* Task Status: In Progress
* Task: int bio_menuItem(); | ESCAPE & RIGHT_KEY
* Task Status: In Progress
=== Pratik ===
== meetings ==
* [ Meeting 4 (Mar 17, 2011]
* [ Meeting 3 (Mar 17, 2011]
* [ Meeting 2 (Feb 05, 2011]
* [ Meeting 1 (Jan 30, 2011]
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20111 | date]]