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Template:ECL500 Course Schedule

277 bytes removed, 01:01, 18 March 2011
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{|class="wikitable" style= "margin: 1em auto 1em auto; border: 1px solid darkgray; text-align: left; cellpadding=3; font-size: 95%; width: 70%; align:left; "
|+ '''ECL500 / DPS914 - Course ScheduleStructure'''
|- style="background:#ffdead;"
! scope="col" width="70" | Week
! W 6
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ Designing, Coding and Packaging Java RCP Applications]
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ LAB 3: RCP Application Release -''Due Date'']
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ Sample from Course Repository]
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ LAB 4 : BlackBerry App -''Due Date'']
! W 9
|[ Android Eclipse PluginsConcepts]
||[ Android and Eclipse Plugins]
! W 10
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ Building a an Android Application]
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|[ LAB 5 : Android App -''Due Date'']
! W 11
|'''[[Enterprise]]'''<br>Concepts: Enterprise Eclipse PluginsProject Design Phase – Project Content – Discussion with each team |'''[[Enterprise]]'''<br>Equinox - Enterprise ConceptsProject Implementation – Team Collaboration
! W 12
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"Project Implementation – Team Collaboration----|'''[[Enterprise]]''' <bru>Building a Enterprise application| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|'''[[Enterprise]] Course Test - LAB April 6, 2011''' <br/u>'''''Enterprise Application Release'''''----
! W 13
| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|'''[[ECL500_Course_Projects|Final Project]]Presentation'''<br>Concepts: Final Project Design|- '''[[ECL500_Course_Projects|Project]]April 11, 2011'''<br>Equinox --- Final Project Development|-! W 14| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|'''[[ECL500_Course_Projects|Project]]''' <br>'''''FINAL Project & Tutorial Realease'''Release''| bgcolor="#ffffcc"|'''[[ECL500_Course_Projects|Project]] email project & tutorial: ''' <br>April 13, 2011'''''FINAL Project PRESENTATION'''''----