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User:Cgomes7/Subtitle Documentation

1,051 bytes added, 19:52, 7 March 2011
Subtitle Plug-in
== Subtitle Plug-in ==
DescriptionAdds a text subtitle to the video that appears at the start time and disappears at the end time. Subtitles can be translated into different languages using Google translate. The accessibility option allows for a user to disable the subtitles. To use subtitle plug-in, import:
<script src="popcorn.subtitle.js"></script>
To use Google translate, import:
<script src=""></script>
== Examples ==
===Simple Example===
start: 5, // seconds
end: 15, // seconds
text: 'this is the a subtitle',
language: "en",
languagesrc: "language",
accessibilitysrc: "accessibility"
} )
===Simple Example with Google Translate:=== .subtitle({ start: 20, // seconds end: 45, // seconds text: 'this is another subtitle', language: "en", languagesrc: "language", accessibilitysrc: "accessibility" } )Then use combo box to select language: }, false); == Google Translate ==  <h2div> Choose your language</h2> <select id="language">
<option value="zh" selected="selected">Chinese</option>
<option value="en">English</option>
<option value="pt">Portuguese</option>
<option value="es">Spanish</option>
</select></div> ===Simple Example with Accessibility:=== .subtitle({ start: 20, // seconds end: 45, // seconds text: 'this is another subtitle', language: "en", accessibilitysrc: "accessibility" } ) Then use check box to turn accessibility on and off: 
with help from <a href="">Google Translate</a><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="accessibility" checked="checked" />All subtitles (accessibility)
== Syntax ==
} )
== Parameters ==
'''Start:''' is the time the subtitle to appear (INT)
'''End:''' is the time the subtitle to disappear (INT)
'''Text:''' is the text that will appear (STRING)
'''Language:''' [optional] the language of the subtitle (STRING)
'''Languagesrc:''' [optional] the source of the language option (Combo Box)
'''Accessibilitysrc:''' [optional] the source of the accessibility option (Check Box)
== Returns ==
== Links ==
*[ Subtitle Source Code]
*[ Example Source Code]