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GAM670/DPS905 Weekly Schedule 20111

1,523 bytes added, 09:18, 3 February 2011
This Week
== Week 4 - Jan 30 ==
=== This Week ===
* [ Mathematics of Lighting]
* Vertex Shaders
* Lighting in Vertex Shaders
** [ Lighting Formulas] - note the corrections below*** Notation***: G<sub>a</sub> - global ambient color***: C<sub>a</sub> - material ambient color***: C<sub>d</sub> - material diffuse color***: C<sub>s</sub> - material specular color**: L<sub>a<sub>i</sub></sub> - ambient color of light i**: L<sub>d<sub>i</sub></sub> - diffuse color of light i**: L<sub>s<sub>i</sub></sub> - specular color of light i**: L<sub>dir<sub>i</sub></sub> - direction vector of light i**: N - normal to the surface at the vertex*** [ Attenuation and Spotlight Factors]**** Atten<sub>i</sub> - attenuation of light i***:: d<sub>i</sub> - distance from light i***:: d<sub>i</sub> = |L<sub>dir<sub>i</sub></sub>|***: a<sub>0</sub> - constant attenuation factor***:: a<sub>1</sub> - linear attenuation factor***:: a<sub>2</sub> - quadratic attenuation factor***:: Atten<sub>i</sub> = 1/(a<sub>0</sub> + a<sub>1</sub> d<sub>i</sub> + a<sub>2</sub> d<sub>i</sub><sup>2</sup>)***:: Atten<sub>i</sub> = [0, 1]***: * Spot<sub>i</sub> - spot factor of light i***: LSpot<sub>i</sub> = {[r<sub>i</sub> - cos(phi<sub>i</sub>/2)]/[cos(theta<sub>i</sub>/2) - cos(phi<sub>i</sub>/2)]}<sup>f<sub>ai</sub></sup>***: r<sub>i</sub> - ambient color cosine of angle from axis of light spotlight<sub>i</sub>***: : r<sub>i</sub> = norm(- light direction in camera space) . norm(L<sub>ddir<sub>i</sub></sub>)***: phi<sub>i</sub> - diffuse color penumbra (exterior cone) angle of light spotlight<sub>i</sub>***: Ltheta<sub>i</sub> - umbra (interior cone) angle of spotlight<sub>si</sub>***: f<sub>i</sub> - specular color falloff factor of light spotlight<sub>i</sub>** [ Blinn-Phong and Phong]**: V - viewpoint vector**: L: V = norm(Camera<sub>dirposition</sub>- Vertex<sub>iposition</sub> )** Phong - direction vector account accurately for position of light viewer**: Specular reflectance = (R<sub>i</sub> . V)<sup>p<sub>i</sub></sup>**: R<sub>i</sub> - reflection vector**: : R<sub>i</sub> = 2 * (N . L<sub>dir<sub>i</sub></sub>) N - normal to the surface at the vertexL<sub>dir<sub>i</sub></sub>***: Hp<sub>i</sub> - true specular power of light i**:** Blinn-Phong - use halfway vectorinstead of reflection vector - adjust power to compensate***:: Specular reflectance = norm(norm(CameraN . H<sub>i</sub>)<sup>p'<sub>i</sub></sup>**: H<sub>positioni</sub> - Vertexhalfway vector**:: H<sub>positioni</sub>) = norm(V + L<sub>dir</sub>i</sub>i</sub>)***:: H<sub>i</sub> = norm([0,0,1] + L<sub>dir</sub>i</sub>i</sub>) - less computationally intensive - assumes that camera is at infinity along z axis**: p'<sub>i</sub> - adjusted specular power of light i**:*** [ Ambient]***: C<sub>a</sub> * ( G<sub>a</sub> + sum [L<sub>a</sub>i</sub>i</sub> * Atten<sub>i</sub> * Spot<sub>i</sub>] )*** [ Diffuse]***: C<sub>d</sub> * sum [ L<sub>d</sub>i</sub>i</sub> * (N . L<sub>dir</sub>i</sub>i</sub>) * Atten<sub>i</sub> * Spot<sub>i</sub> ]*** [ Specular]***: C<sub>s</sub> * sum [ L<sub>s</sub>i</sub>i</sub> * (N . H<sub>i</sub>) <sup>p'<sub>i</sub></sup> * Atten<sub>i</sub> * Spot<sub>i</sub> ]- Blinn-Phong**: C<sub>s</sub> * sum [ L<sub>s<sub>i</sub></sub> * (R<sub>i</sub> . V)<sup>p<sub>i</sub></sup> * Atten<sub>i</sub> * Spot<sub>i</sub> ] - Phong
** [ HLSL Intrinsic Functions]
*** [ normalize()] - normalize a vector