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My Applied Research Log

466 bytes added, 16:04, 2 February 2011
Week 3
== Week 3==
'''1/24/2011 (Mon)'''
* Ran ran the JUnit test PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest.
** errors encountered
'''1/25/2011 (Tue)'''
* [[error| error encounterd ]]in running PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTeset
* [[error - system path| system path error]] encountered
'''1/27/2011 (Friday)'''
* met with Grace to understand how he has used JUnit tests to guide his research and coding process
== Week 4 ==
'''2/09/2011 (Monday)'''
* met with Jordan and Dawn to discuss about two projects that have been approved by NexJ
'''2/11/2011 (Wednesday)'''
* checked out Revision 28 from the code repository, ran PostgreSQLSchemaMangerTest and PostgreSQLAdapterTest
* uploaded the JUnite testing results (the current status of the project)
== [[Common Problems and Solutions]] ==